Dark Souls 3

Nice will be going for this myself mate, done bloodborne and ds2 so why not :) im only 15hrs in atm mind, at the boreal valley atm, seems a much more interesting area

I think this is the easiest one to 100%, although getting the rings is a little tricky and there are pyromanceries/rings locked behind the deepest covenant allegiances. Assuming the online works okay for you, don't do what so many people are doing and farming mobs for the covenant items, they are all 2% chance to drop at the most, like proofs of concord from Silver Knights for example. You're much better off just becoming a blue sentinel for 30 anti-invasions as it's much faster and more fun.

Although some people are having big issues with a few covenants like watchdogs and sentinels, so if you're one that never gets summoned (isn't user error, you're either f'd or you're not) you will have to farm them.

Tongues/Sunlight medals/shackles shouldn't be an issue, you can get both by invading with the right covenant equipped. Best place to get tongues IMO is to equip Rosaria Fingers covenenant and put a red soapstone down outside Boreal Valley boss, I've gotten 10+ tongues in one summon from clearing out fight clubs people host. Sunlight medals/shackles you can get doing the same with WoS/Mound-Makers equipped or by putting your friendly summon sign down outside bosses ofc, with Mound-Makers being better off putting their summon signs down at bonfires if you want to acquire them through PVE and not from player killing, as PVE Mound-Makers can only get shackles through killing enough mobs, they can't fight bosses. Although Mad Phantoms can attack/be attacked by the host and white phantoms so that's something to look out for.

Either way:

Concords (Sentinels/Darkmoon) = Silver Knights, farm the 3 leading up to Aldrich from the bonfire
Wolf grass (Watchdogs) = Gru monsters in the swamp, farm the 3 outside the bonfire
Dregs (Aldrich Faithful) = Deacons in Aldrich area
Pale Tongues (Rosaria Fingers) = Darkwraiths, before Abyss Watchers is the best place
Shackles (Mound-Makers) = Giant skeletons in the catacombs
Sunlight Medals = Lothric Knights

Only do these as a last resort though, as like I said the drop rate is 1/50 so on average you'll have to kill 1,500 of each monster to get the 30 needed! :eek: 1,500 Darkwraiths can take days.

Tried to keep that as spoiler free as possible, but the covenants are the hardest/most time consuming part of getting 100%
Got invaded for the first time, bottled it before i'd even seen them and used a homeward bone to get out of there.

Really don't like the idea of it tbh any way to avoid getting invaded?
Been struggling to kill aldrich everytime i.d get her down to 3/4 and she would to the barrage attack.i would die everytime.after countless times i eventually managed to kill her with only miniscule health left.got the ember and the souls and before i had time to rejoice.i got killed by those glowing balls of lights.what a ****

I'm finding ng+ quite easy, but I think I might be about to come to an area that will inease the difficulty - Irithyll.

I haven't struggled on any bosses so far, though I did do Demon King first time, I was summoned twice by other people for it and even though there were 3 of us we couldn't do it. It just had too much health and we weren't doing enough damage!

I am trying out some new weapons atm. I like the Gothard twin swords or whatever they are called, not sure if I will continue with them. I have tried to use the Dancer's Twin Blades but I just can't get on with them.
Got invaded for the first time, bottled it before i'd even seen them and used a homeward bone to get out of there.

Really don't like the idea of it tbh any way to avoid getting invaded?
If you stay hollow you won't be invaded, I recommend this and I do this because I want to just play in my Dark Souls universe alone. You can also choose to play the game offline in the options screen.
If you stay hollow you won't be invaded, I recommend this and I do this because I want to just play in my Dark Souls universe alone. You can also choose to play the game offline in the options screen.

I was hollow. I am never not hollow as far a im aware but I still got the message so and so has invaded. :confused:
Embered, or kindled, not hollowed. If you use an ember it means you can be invaded, and can summon others. When you die you lose your Embered state and will be unkindled until you use another ember.
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Embered, or kindled, not hollowed. If you use an ember it means you can be invaded, and can summon others. When you die you lose your Embered state and will be unkindled until you use another ember.

Ah this was after beating vordt so I would have been embered by default right?
Catacombs is my least favourite area tbh. Second time through though you can run through the entire area to the boss in about a minute

Also just had an epic moment. Had no estus left and a tiny amount of health in a boss fight. Was so close to killing him but scared to go near... Then one of my messages was rated and my health was restored!
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If you're careful enough, you can mostly lure these fights to be one-on-one.

If you're talkin about the enemies I'm thinking of(non-skeleton ones).

I got right to the end and got invaded and killed for the first time by an invader! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH :D:D:D

Seriously though I'm getting through there much easier now but the Wolnir boss fight just one shotted me :(
Catacombs is my least favourite area tbh. Second time through though you can run through the entire area to the boss in about a minute

Also just had an epic moment. Had no estus left and a tiny amount of health in a boss fight. Was so close to killing him but scared to go near... Then one of my messages was rated and my health was restored!

Its by far the most meh part of DS3. Can't wait to get out of it and back to enjoying it
Its by far the most meh part of DS3. Can't wait to get out of it and back to enjoying it

You can easily run straight to Wolnir by going to the right just as you enter and dropping down to where the skeleton ball rolls down, run straight through the skeletons and drop down to where the giant rat is then it is just a short run to the boss room.

Make sure you do actually explore the catacombs first though as there are some cool items and NPCs!
Yeah I think so. I'm pretty sure beating a boss restores it. I'm always kindled anyway as you get more health and I like summoning NPCs and having NPC invasions.

I'm scared of my own shadow in this game :eek:
Well, finally completed the game and can 100% say I've not been this enthusiastic about a game for quite some time. Loved every brutal punishing second though I was surprised when I beat the final boss on the first try. I can see how he's tough for melee classes but this guy was weak against sorcerers. Seemed to have very little magic resistance which makes a change from some of the earlier ones I suppose. Was a tense end to the fight though as I was out of estus flasks and one hit would have killed me so it was literally down to the final blow. My heart was racing at the end.

Just started NG+ and it appears I may be now somewhat overpowered as Iudex Gundyr died from 4 hits of crystal soul spear. Is this normal? I assumed NG+ would be quite a jump. Having said that, the training area was easy the first time round so I guess there's time yet and I'll be eating those words when I meet my old enemy Pontiff Sulyvahn again!

Incredible game, and I think I fancy a go with the Herald or Warrior now for a nice change.
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