Dark Souls 3

Having a real bad time trying to kill the Dragon rider,if i can survive the dragon fire i normally get to face him but if the dragon breath starts i seem die instantly no matter what i do.

Having a real bad time trying to kill the Dragon rider,if i can survive the dragon fire i normally get to face him but if the dragon breath starts i seem die instantly no matter what i do.


The nameless King?... One of the most epic boss fights in the series imo, and second hardest to Manus I'd say. I managed him on about the fifth go. First phase I found easy, buy second I found hard because I am basically a glass Canon with hardly any health. I have to focus on not getting hit.

Also, I'm so bad at pvp. I have won once in about 20!
Got the first "boss" to half ish health but died. Using the class that has a healing spell in orange? I can't remember exactly. Did my rolls OK but not well enough..

It's the class with the shield and spear if that helps. Is this fight optional? lol
No it isn't optional:p

The biggest tip I can give you start with is don't be afraid of dying, especially to bosses. It is part of the process. Every death can be seen as a learning experience.

Also, if you have a shield you shouldn't really be rolling, and if you are rolling you shouldn't really need a shield;)
I kinda.. forgot to use it. I've seen his 2nd phase and I think I pooped a little.

I went with a spear for ranged which should help a tad.

You have the Herald class I think. My tactics was get away from him so he would leap towards you, roll to the left stab a few times and rinse and repeat. Second stage get close and use your shield but manage your stamina as you need to block attack and recharge stamina.
Yes! Herald, that's it. Just found some Fire Bombs so going to wait until the second phase then unleash hell.

Oh thank god I did it. Thank you fire bombs! Getting close worked, once he kneeled I unleashed hell.

I struggled extremely badly with previous DS bosses so this is huge for me.

Thanks above btw!
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**** this game is good! Feels like I'm playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls again, something Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 failed to replicate.

Killed the first Crystal enemy after around 4 attempts, his swipe with his hand attack got me every time, found it hard to anticipate. Killed the first boss second try and then said NOPE to the mini-boss type enemy where you pick up the longbow. Decided to take a break at the bonfire after the dragon. Think I'm going to try a quality build this playthrough, never done it before in a Souls game and I've already picked up the Claymore and a Longsword.

Seriously loving the first hour of the game I've played.
I dont think it really makes too much difference. Deprived starts you out with a decent weapon and balanced stats. Biggest advantage of Deprived is simply that you get to shape your character more to your liking. You gain initial levels pretty quickly so it doesn't take very long at all before you've got a stat build preferable to what you might have in another starting class.

I think what makes the biggest difference is going melee over magic. Not being able to just stand back and punish enemies heavily makes things significantly more challenging since you've gotta get up in the range of the enemy's attacks to do damage.

Yeah, now I've played a little more as this character I see exactly what you mean. It actually has a decent advantage despite starting with no armour as all those things can be picked up fairly early on. I think the challenge for me came from switching back from sorcery as I'm still a relative newcomer to the Souls series so it felt a little more daunting having to get up close and personal with some of the enemies.
So how do you guys rate the Souls series? For me it's

1) Bloodborne
2) Demon's Souls
3) Dark Souls 3
4) Dark Souls
5) Dark Souls 2

I've not played DeS

1) Dark Souls
2) Dark Souls 3
3) Dark Souls 2 (best PVP, everyone loves hating on it because memes.)
4) Bloodborne (Great setting/story but dat 30 fps)
1. Dark Souls / Dark Souls 3 / Demon's Souls (can't decide amongst these!)
2. Dark Souls 2
3. Bloodborne

All have been excellent and easily one of the best things to happen to gaming in recent times.
Anyone give me tips for the boreal dancer, she seems fairly easy as she's slow, however her AOE attacks jeez, if you get in front of her she grabs you and your pretty much dead.

The damage hit from her sword pretty much takes half your health im stuck
Anyone give me tips for the boreal dancer, she seems fairly easy as she's slow, however her AOE attacks jeez, if you get in front of her she grabs you and your pretty much dead.

The damage hit from her sword pretty much takes half your health im stuck

I just stuck to her behind as much as possible and watched for the grab, she seemed pretty easy with a katana infused with magic, a lot of her attacks went over my head!
I've not played DeS

1) Dark Souls
2) Dark Souls 3
3) Dark Souls 2 (best PVP, everyone loves hating on it because memes.)
4) Bloodborne (Great setting/story but dat 30 fps)

I pretty much agree with this. I just think the world is more cohesive in DS, and had better boss fights. I'd give DS 10/10, it is a masterpiece in every department. I do miss the more user friendly parry and riposte too.

DS3 gets a 10/10 too, based on current games on the market.

DS2 is better then most action RPGs too, and gets a 9.

Demon Souls is also a 10, immense in every department, but like DS3 the level design as in cohesive world building isn't as good as DS.

Bloodbourne has great fluid gameplay, interesting NPCs and story, and awesome bosses along with a creepy lineup of enemies and a very creepy ambience, a 10 too.

As you can see, it is very hard to decide which one is best, because everyone of them has some better aspect then another.

Suffice to say, From Software are the best action RPG development team, like ever imo.
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