Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

If you chose the key you can run straight down there from the main hub. Let us know what you find or anyone else for that matter. I'm holding out on this partly for the technical problems in the console version but also to see what the online community looks like. The whole point of this is to interact with players online if few people are playing then may as well stick with the ps3

Not the path I want to take, but please don't judge just overclockers by the amount of people that have got and will be playing. On that note, think I will play some Ninja Blade before bed. Camping and chessingtons with kids over the weekend.
And myself :)

Can't help but wonder what extra stuff were gona miss out on though?

Look here


All stuff that you get in the retail package. It is stuff that would usually be part of Limited Edition or Collector's Edition type packages, yet this is simply standard for retail.

Yeah nothing game wise sir, just post cards, big picture, soundtrack, very nice art book, making off dvd and I think that is it from the top of my head.
So even if you never have played the game and like rpg games this isn't worth it for £24 right now?

Absolutely. It doesn't look great compared current PC games, but hey, the best looking games around at the moment will look like arse in 5 years. It's all relative. Gameplay wise it's up there with the best available on the PC - just be prepared to die often :D
Absolutely. It doesn't look great compared current PC games, but hey, the best looking games around at the moment will look like arse in 5 years. It's all relative. Gameplay wise it's up there with the best available on the PC - just be prepared to die often :D

Often? isnt that being a little charitable?
Wait, this is now on PC?

I broke my ps3 controller playing both demons souls and Dark souls!

I won't go near this beautiful, challenging and sublime game with my newly built pc...

Who am I kidding, the added content looks sweet.
Shame that it's a direct port without optimisation for pc, they haven't up-ed the resolution, and I hear Blight town still suffers slow down. Or has there been a fix?

I'm undecided, although my spellsword character is calling on the ps3.

I'll let it release and wait for the modding community as they are bound to fix things for us, about 6 months after release.
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Absolutely. It doesn't look great compared current PC games, but hey, the best looking games around at the moment will look like arse in 5 years. It's all relative. Gameplay wise it's up there with the best available on the PC - just be prepared to die often :D

True, but Planescape torment and Baldurs gate look ancient in comaprison to modern day visuals.

But by God both Planescape and Baldurs tell a wicked, interesting , intriguing story unlike modern titles that traipse cliche after cliche under the guise of 'look it's more shiney, with more muscles and larger guns'!
Game is fully playable now the GFWL servers are unlocking it since about 3am this morning looks ok on default the mods will be something else though :D no 1 Steam as well since last night a lot of interest in this :D
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