
I currently have a next base 312gw hardwired at the front but looking for a camera for the back. Any recommendations on a slim camera that is discreet but still good?
Where you guys buying your F770 from and how much you paying ?

1 or 2 channel ?

Bought mine direct from Thinkware UK a few days ago. Waiting on shipping information but they're only based in Colchester so not that far away. Hopefully be an easy job to hard-wire it once I find a permanent live.
I'm curious also - got any linkies chaparral?
It was reading different owner reviews on different web sites like this one

Where to you start with this poor Thinkware F770 dashcam which was meant to be a premium dashcam.

I've had quite a few dashcams over the years and I rate this has one of my worst purchases. The other dashcams I've had have been a lot cheaper with better footage which is important to me and probably most people who buy.

All these repeated warnings on this dashcam for no reason can be annoying plus no recording (only live) when on Wi-Fi app unlike many other better dashcams with same technology.

I have also had nothing but issue with the F770 Dashcams Wi-Fi and my mobiles, this has worked perfect on other Wi-Fi dashcams I've had in past.

Originally i phoned Thinkware customer support and was on phone for ages looking support with both my android and iOS phones.

What has annoyed me the most is the cost of this actual support call (over £25) on my phone bill, is this for real to actually pay for UK support on an item I spent £250 on.

What they told me was nothing i already knew anyway so it was pointless just like this F770 purchase.

My advice is to avoid this Thinkware F770 especially at this price and it being a poor product. I think I’ll go back to other cheaper and better brands I’ve used in past.

Don’t waste your money on this poor Dashcam

And also the thinkware app seems to have a lot of bad reviews (There more only 1 star rating then any other star rating )


But does the F770 use this Android app ??
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I saw a dash cam from China for £7, and decided to get it for the Mrs. Figured I would compare it to my non-budget blackvue.
It has a screen that's terrible quality, but I was struggling to find one without a screen anyway, so I set it to turn off after 1 min anyway.
Will try and get it installed this weekend and see how itt works :)
It was reading different owner reviews on different web sites like this one

And also the thinkware app seems to have a lot of bad reviews (There more only 1 star rating then any other star rating )


But does the F770 use this Android app ??

Oh right - so just one disgruntled customer review - can't please everyone lol! He sounds a bit butt hurt with nothing specific to actually complain about! On the flip side look at all the positive reviews for the F750.


Not had any issues with the android app - on the F750 it used to time out when downloading a video (if it took too long) - but never had an issue with the F770 as it has much higher transfer speeds.

I honestly think that car manufacturers should be building this sort of tech into cars by now as standard/ optional features.
Had my first very close call today since installing my camera around 15 months ago.

As I went through the lights I saw the Merc coming upto the lights and it appeared to me she was slowing to stop. I then started concentrating on the red Punto who also ran the red light... Look back around and there she is.

The video doesn't do justice to how close I was to hitting her. ABS did it's job.

I'm sure if I hit her without the camera she would have sworn her light was green and I ran the light (I even doubted my self at first).
that's what I used to have !
thinkware f770 now
I think I may need to point the camera down a notch, even though the setup screen tells me its correct
Had my first very close call today since installing my camera around 15 months ago.

As I went through the lights I saw the Merc coming upto the lights and it appeared to me she was slowing to stop. I then started concentrating on the red Punto who also ran the red light... Look back around and there she is.

The video doesn't do justice to how close I was to hitting her. ABS did it's job.

I'm sure if I hit her without the camera she would have sworn her light was green and I ran the light (I even doubted my self at first).

lol daft bat. I like how she brakes just as you're facing her square on in the middle of the junction, that's really going to help.

No doubt at all she would have adamantly claimed her light was green.
Has anyone modified their hardwire kit to have a delay (couple of seconds) before powering the dashcam while starting the car? Looking for some electrical component that I could add in to delay the power going to the dashcam.

I have an issue where the dashcam turns on while on ignition II and quickly turns off while the engine is starting. Dashcam turns on again when the car is fully on and runs normally.
Has anyone modified their hardwire kit to have a delay (couple of seconds) before powering the dashcam while starting the car? Looking for some electrical component that I could add in to delay the power going to the dashcam.

I have an issue where the dashcam turns on while on ignition II and quickly turns off while the engine is starting. Dashcam turns on again when the car is fully on and runs normally.

Yes I installed a relay delay switch, waits approx 10 seconds (user adjustable) before giving power to dashcam.

the M6+ is supposed to be good
im a bit sceptical about that hardwire kit, as on my thinkware I have 3 wires, 1 ground, 1 ACC and one iginition live

heres a video of my thinkware F770, zoomee and others with thinkware, how does this compare to yours?

That footage just looks weird to me, it's like the camera is bouncing round and isn't completely fixed? The quality also looks off compared to normal, have you got the original footage? It could just be YouTubes compression/stablitiy controls.
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