Dawn of War 3?

It's the same developers as COH. I hope Dawn of war 2 was just a one off.

Dow2 was initially disappointing but i actually ended up preferring it. The smaller scale combat was really good and the lack of base building separated it from other rts games like starcraft. No game will ever topple that franchise for competitive play, its good to have a different focus i feel.

Happy either way just to get a new dow game, love the atmosphere in the games.
DoW2 with EliteMod > DoW

Initially I did not like DoW2, but after playing it and watching tournaments I realised that I was wrong. Nothing in Warhammer 40K is about base building. It is a squad based game and OMG does DoW2 play well.

Your squads level up, you get special campaign equipment and the gameplay is about grabbing objectives and not just shooting each other.

If you want to see what I mean then watch some of the videos by IndridCasts
Nice looking video, but that's all it is. When they eventually release actual game play footage, then there will be cause for excitement; hopefully! :D

Don't really get the excitement over game trailers that show no game play. Isn't that like getting excited over a film trailer that doesn't actually show any footage from the film? :p
Oh sweet baby geebis, I think I might be touching myself tonight after watching that trailer :D

Edit: something in me also wants to say 'Half Life 3' confirmed as well :D

I'm kind of stoked right now :)
If base building and bigger armies are definitely back, as the article suggests, then I'm in! I really didn't like DoW II because they took those out. This will be epic if they're back in!
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