days in a year

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why is it so hard for you guys to see it how many months in a year 12 ok
my contract say i should be paid £650 per month for 12 months which = £7800, (i hope we can agree on this point) ive been paid 52 times, which should mean 52 payments of £150, but i got £7774 over the 52 weeks.
csmager said:
If you signed up to this contract, worked for one full year (1st Jan-31st December), then quit, the following would happen:

£149.50 per week for 52 weeks.
£21.37 for the last day.


Near as dammit £7800. Had it been a leap year, you'd have been overpaid. It would all even out over a 4 year period.

There's not really a problem, tbh.
yes, but my contract is based on months not weeks ive worked.
but the contract resets its self after 12 months and starts again counting 52 weeks for the next 12 months, so in 4 years iam losing out on £104.
and she used 7800/ 365 * 7 to calculate what i get a week and iam trying to tell her but she says shes right and its the right calculation when its wrong.
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because csmager understood it and saw it as madness the way they pay me,
just didnt put all the facts down at the start, its my fault but at last some one saw and understood were i was coming from, hence my calander pay.
my contract dates on my contract
1/1 2005- 31/12/05 pay date every saturday but paid in on thursday.
1/1 2006-31/12/06 pay date every sunday but paid in on friday.
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