Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

I am lost. I have a map and compass, I can see Thirsk tower in the distance, but it is on my right as I am looking north... according to the map it should be on the left as I am looking North... umm no.
I'm in Thirsk as a Hunter, died around half a dozen times already tonight :D
Can't believe how well this game runs, graphics card is nearly always maxed out and getting between 50 and 70 frames.
DG are you in a group or alone? How do you survive more than a few encounters? The gun play is so clunky that it almost seems random who survives in CQB. Sniper kills seem impossible to avoid. And hatchet on hatchet seems to involve both parties dying.
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DG are you in a group or alone? How do you survive more than a few encounters? The gun play is so clunky that it almost seems random who survives in CQB. Sniper kills seem impossible to avoid. And hatchet on hatchet seems to involve both parties dying.

on my own mostly. gun play is fine i played arma 2 mods for quite a while and its similar. just dont spray and find key locations for ambush :p

doesnt matter how good you are at end of the day youll get kiled at some point by the most random guy sitting in a single bush :D (probably witcher)

if you want add me on steam and ill be on ts later .you can join if you want
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I managed to kill 2 guys last night, one had an M4 and his mate had a Winchester... I had my hatchet lol.

Enjoying this, really really good. Not sure about New Haven, wondered around for what felt like hours and didn't see a single person. The snow map I'm pretty much beefing from the start.
yeah think thirsk winter is the best is you want constant action. when its full like later its like thunderdome getting out of spawn. :p
Can someone explain to me what Breaking Point is as a genre?

Having it linked to DayZ suggests to me that it should be a horror survival game, but at no point in the times I have played it, have I had to survive from anything other than bandits and bush campers.
The zombies are not much concern as you can either walk straight past them, outrun them or kill them with one of the hundreds of weapons you find.
At no point have I thought I needed food, water, heat, shelter or any of the other things which equate to being a survival game.

So all this leads me to believe that Breaking Point is none other than a deathmatch game, where you have to search for weapons rather than spawning with them. :confused:
it is a survival game its all about time isnt it ?

you need to eat each hr and drink so if you havent got food you need to go to dangerous areas to get those. thats survival !

zombies can be dangerous but not too much. i got one hitted yesterday and nearly died by a zombie but sometimes i can axe through 100 in a big horde.

its all in the situation isnt it.

say you have no gear you go into thirsk its survival at its worst :D espeically if server is full. having to sneak in its not just walk in collect items.

as with anything this genre isnt proper established or finished yet. zombies in all these games need work but its just this mod seems to do it better than any of the others at the moment.

every decision in breaking point needs to be thought out very well you camp thirsk that one shot you ring out killing a noob alerts a sniper bang you dead. you not sneaking about right you get picked off. you get trapped in a barracks maybe killed by zombies. many decisions and if you want to survive any length of time you have to play well.

also its free so what can we moan about :D
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is none other than a deathmatch game, where you have to search for weapons rather than spawning with them. :confused:

ding ding ding! we have a winner!

:p the initial point of the whole Day-z thing was SURVIVAL and banding up together to survive, with the occasional bit of pvp maybe between survival groups.

but of course... everyone is such an elitist these days that the whole "banding to work together" thing gets thrown out the window for "hahahaha GET REKT n00b!"

it is what the players make of it.... and since almost everyone basically has this mentality and kills on sight....that's the way it is :rolleyes:

edit: I'm more for the running about, killing zombies, randomly meeting passers by... than get uber kit, sit on a hill, snipe freshspawns from 1 click away :p
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I managed to kill 2 guys last night, one had an M4 and his mate had a Winchester... I had my hatchet lol.

Enjoying this, really really good. Not sure about New Haven, wondered around for what felt like hours and didn't see a single person. The snow map I'm pretty much beefing from the start.

I've found that more than half the time, if someone is armed and I just run towards them with my hatchet, they'll panic fire, miss and i'll get the kill and their loot.

I won't play anything but New Haven, Altis is too big and Thirsk is Breaking Point COD mode ;)

In reality, I don't actually mind Thirsk, it's what i'll play if I only have an hour or so and want a quick game.

Learn the New Haven map and it's fantastic, always spawn in the west and once you can get your bearings, no town is really more than 5 minutes run away.
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