Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Will be on from about 3:30 for about 4 hours on New Haven and/or Thirsk depending on my feel for a bit of BP deathmatch ;)

will probably be on later been doing some theHunter videos but now done so breaking point later. :cool: see if the heli is still there :p
Something dodgy at the fire station by the lumber yard near starting island on Thirsk summer, bodies everywhere and I just got killed without a single shot being fired. Could see some legs glitched through the wall by the stairs moving around.

EDIT: Respawned, there are bodies littered all over the map, never seen this before. They all look contorted and bent back on themselves.
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Something dodgy at the fire station by the lumber yard near starting island on Thirsk summer, bodies everywhere and I just got killed without a single shot being fired. Could see some legs glitched through the wall by the stairs moving around.

EDIT: Respawned, there are bodies littered all over the map, never seen this before. They all look contorted and bent back on themselves.

That is server side issues, I have seen it before where my face left my head and it kind of looked like a tunnel for 10 meters and at the end was my face lol.
So having been in love with the dayz mod and going to standalone only to be dissapointed, would playing this be a huge improvement? :)
Any basic tips for this? Seem to find a lot of random stuff in the loot piles. Is there a purpose?

Went on the breaking point wiki and doesnt offer much assistance. Not found any food and just a pistol but plenty of things like duct tape?:confused:
I've played a lot of this the last few days and i'm noticing with regular consistency loot boxes of all descriptions disappearing approximately 2 hours after the server reboot. I've seen this to the point where they've vanished as i'm standing in front of them.

Loving the high level loot at the helicopter wrecks, found 4 spots now where you get the burning wrecks and the military zeds.
Okay so i installed arma 3 and breaking point on saturday, and when i first logged into a random server via the launcher, the first thing i noticed was how beautifull the game is, it controls well also, has a good responsiveness to it, can't wait to get stuck in and find myself some loot.
I've got one of those on New Haven with some uprated ammo. Not used it in anger yet :D

Got killed by someone spawning in right next to me on Thirsk winter, total ballache.
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