Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

bornholm problem is its a bit too big. you run for a hr then get shot by a random guy in a bush :p bit like witcher on dayz mod :D

I used to know every bush on Taviana and I don't mean the players :p Played some bornholm earlier and I found a map, looking at said map it looks pretty empty, lots and lots of roads and very little else. I think Thirsk or New haven are the maps to play, or Cherno on Epoch. I removed you on Steam by mistake btw re-add witcher1979 when you get a chance can't find your name at all.

EDIT: NVM friend invite sent.
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I felt exactly the same way about Bornholm, in a way it's just another altus(?) but green and more towns. I don't see the fun in a walking simulator, only to get killed by lone ranger and spend hours worth of walking again.

Oh well
For me BP breaks down like this...

Thirsk - COD PvP mode, gets better if you get straight out of starter area, away from city and up towards the NW. Good for solo play.

Altis - Way too big, too open, no real variation to map, snorefest. Need to be grouped.

Bornholm - nice variation on map, again really too big without a vehicle and all action centered around certain towns/airport. Still relatively new so need to play more. Again i'd say boring for solo play.

Stratis - decent size, well laid out towns, easy to solo

Newhaven - the map to play for BP. Just the right size, nice variation of area's, need to keep your wits about you.

90% of my time on BP has been spent on Newhaven.

Let me say this for a new starter on Breaking Point...or even the long timers, play the "long game"...don't just run in, find a gun, go and kill/get killed. Find materials, build storage crates, find vehicles, fix them up, try and hide them. Get a lock, claim a building as yours. Hunt animals, store food and drink. Choose an area and get to know that area like the back of your hand.

Since I started playing the "long game"...this mod has become infinitely better.
Time to change tactics a little...Zombie AI 2.0 incoming...

I want this to be well documented because it is going to be a BIG change and as such, some people may not like it, especially if it is not properly explained.

I am not putting this up as a feedback discussion or a poll because 50 different people will give you 50 different styles of zombie behavior that they like. We have chosen a direction and want to work with you guys to perfect it. Zombies are going to be a serious threat once this is implemented and I want to detail their expected AI behavior so people know how to navigate them and more efficiently report any problems they may have. Just for reference, I have legitimately been beaten and killed by these things while simply attempting to test their behavior on my dev server. They are tough and learning how to navigate them is going to become so much more important than it is now.

First up, zombies are going to be all about audio, whether it be player movement or weapon sounds. Footstep sounds will vary based on surface, stance and movement speed. For example, a full sprint on paved road will be the loudest movement sound with an audible range of 50 meters. Crouch run cuts that in half, prone crawl fast will only be several meters and prone crawl slow will be only 1 meter. This will all vary based on the surface as well so grass is quieter than concrete etc etc. Gunshot sounds will cause zombies to converge on the location of the shot much more accurately and certain types of gunshots will bring additional zombies to the party. Firing and moving will be important here as the zombies will only aggro to the location of the shot, if you are still there when zombies arrive then that is your bad. Once aggro'd to you, zombies are relentless by comparison to the current versions. They are fast and way WAY smarter when it comes to tracking and matching your movements. We have used the same AI tricks we learned with the dogs to improve path finding. As such, losing a zombie will be tricky. It will require an adequate break in line of sight (not simply running around a corner) and complete silence to break aggro. Buildings as always will play an important role in this. Jumping from a second story balcony to another building and laying prone upstairs works the best for me so far. Once off of you, the zombie will return to its spawn building and wait for another player to come by.

Zombies will spawn the same way they spawn now but in smaller numbers and will remain idle inside their buildings until provoked. This means no more zombies wandering the streets unless a player has provoked them, which introduces a very important aspect to game play that many players here have discussed. Zombie movement will still be a reliable indicator of a nearby player, even more so in this case, BUT you now have the ability to stealth around infested areas without alerting them, thus leaving the zombies in their buildings and removing the early detection system that other players will be looking for, if you are patient. This will play well into the Survivalist's hands who will be getting their decreased zombie detection perks tuned for this audio based system and will be problematic for the level 3 Hunter as his movement speed perks, also coming with this update, will alert zombies more easily. The speed however will be a huge advantage in getting away from them because.....

All new animations will be coming for the zombies as well. Idle, walking, running, and sprinting. The sprint animation will be fairly equivalent to player running/sprinting speed. This will need a lot of fine tuning to find balance, at the moment they are a tiny bit faster than a sprinting player with a weapon equipped but slower than an unarmed/binocular sprint. Whether this is the right formula or not will have to be tested, it is a very easy thing to change. Either way, this combined with their new ability to attack on the run without slowing down makes them deadly. Melee weapons are going to be CRUCIAL now and spawn rates will be adjusted to reflect this. Thankfully the recent melee hit detection magic has made slaughtering them quite enjoyable.

To sum it up.....


At the moment, that is the point. You WILL die and continue to die many times over if you attempt to treat these zombies the same way you treat the current ones. You will need to adapt and figure out your own ways of navigating them. We are hoping for honest feedback once implemented (hopefully this weekend) and not complaining from people that are still running gleefully through the streets only to end up with missing chunks of ass.
That sounds really good, although I do not like the idea of no zombies on the streets at all unless you draw them out of buildings. Be interesting to see how this goes.
Found a couple of pictures I made ages ago when zeds seemed to work better on Thirsk:




So you lot are on EU#9 right?
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EU 9 is my semi permanent home, send me a steam message if your coming on.

I've got a free evening, 15:15 til about 3am i'll be owning the Evac Base on bass island ;)
What class do you play Six ?

If you'd asked me a few days ago i'd have said Outlaw.

However as I spent 4 hours fixing up the vodnik yesterday, I was playing as a Survivor and my points were adding up.

By adding up I mean decreasing my -3000 survivor score, i'm down to about -2400 now, lol!

I'm happy to jump on any class tbh, also have about -400 as my ranger that needs to be fixed.
I personally can't stand the new haven map! to much open land nothing in between! and ive never seen it function correctly little things like no loot spawns ruined it for me. Have tried for about 16 hours on it! il stick to Altis might try the new map next death though!
On a roll on EU 9, killed quite a few now. However I have a broken leg so progress is excruciatingly slow! I need morphine I think?

Anyway to see player stats? progress to level, kills etc?
On a roll on EU 9, killed quite a few now. However I have a broken leg so progress is excruciatingly slow! I need morphine I think?

Anyway to see player stats? progress to level, kills etc?

On BP from memory you bind a key so you can sit down, not sure if this has changed but I think this heals a broken leg as well, you just sit for ages. You will need someone else to confirm though as I may well be mistaken. It used to be H I think but you may need to bind it.
Managed to get in a good group on EU6, but they all sort of camped in a tower and couldn't tell who was friendly, who we were trying to kill and what we were doing.

At one point though two of the dudes with decent weapons got axed by a hunter.
On BP from memory you bind a key so you can sit down, not sure if this has changed but I think this heals a broken leg as well, you just sit for ages. You will need someone else to confirm though as I may well be mistaken. It used to be H I think but you may need to bind it.

You need to bind a key to sitting down and healing, think it's custom key to 2 and I've bound it to H.

Don't think sitting and healing will fix a broken leg though.
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