Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Going to get back into this tonight after several months away

Feel free to add me on steam "sixtwosix"

I now begin my long journey out of a -3000 point hole on my ranger class, been that way since I first started playing & didn't understand the classes.
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Feel free to add me on steam "sixtwosix"

I now begin my long journey out of a -3000 point hole on my ranger class, been that way since I first started playing & didn't understand the classes.

DAYUM that's a long road to follow. Really enjoying the game again now hoping that deathlyrage can get the inventory issue solved soon however.

Only play on mercenary ( 1st person ) servers however.
On Bornholm there's a bug which stops you opening your inventory or stash unt you log out and log back in. Happens frequently but has been worse recently.
Ah ok...I don't play Altis or Bornholm, they're both horrible maps for a mod of this kind.

Thirsk is I have a bloodlust, Newhaven or Esseker if i'm playing the mod as it should be :)
I got to level 3 on my hunter then played first person server.... demoted back to level two :( Its more intense but much harder!
My character was reset so seems like a wipe : (

Do flash bangs work? they never seem to make a bang noise...

Edit: Never mind the last one I threw made nice bang noise I'm back up to level 3 again, I will play as a zombie next time i die :)
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Please don't say there was a wipe, logged off on sunday with a ton of gear and a few crates full with white feathers, fal dmrs, range finders, red band 7.62 and so on :(
What inventory issue is that harry?

All the servers I played on this weekend repeatedly stopped you being able to get into your inventory! Was annoying as hell, playing along looking for a blueprint and then suddenly none of us can get into our inventorys :L only thing tat fixed it was a server restart but sometimes the bug would happen within 20 mins of the sever being up
Is your Outlaw level 3 as well?

Nope never really played outlaw does he need to be level 3 as well then? It wouldn't let play as zombie last night.
I've just spent the past hour sneaking around new haven fixing car then i rolled it 2 times :eek: Its still going strong :D
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