Similar to the HC vs. SC on BF4 debate, you will never convince someone who likes being able to 3rd person in DAYZ to play restricted to 1st person. I would love to play on a server that had 1st person only but the numbers on such a server are always much lower than a 3rd person server. I am sure MBS had two; one HC - as they called it - and one SC, which allowed 3rd person. Very few people played the former. Of course, I may be wrong but this was my perception.
Offtopic, I hate DAYZ but cannot stop playing it. I seem to enjoy the game more when I have nothing... i.e. nothing to lose. I am very disappointed that hacks/workarounds are coming out. Just seem some reddit screenies showing no trees or vegetation. Lame.
And finally, after being betrayed several times, TFU no have a shoot-first-loot-afterwards policy. If we call "DAYZ dance" on TS and you are not doing it, you die. This has led to some idiotic TFU members being shot haha
GL to all