Would be awesome to go have a run with TFU for the standalone, was great fun during the mod, it was a shame my work got out of hand. Should be okay this year though. Might try to get on the team speak at some point and play some Battlefield if you guys don't mind.
More than welcome mate. I’m in a similar position to you, got a lot of work and a 13 week old baby. So any spare time is a luxury for me atm lol.
But yeah do drop by mate!
I am not hating, you are right in the respect that its not the sort of game for me as i prefer the more fast paced and dare i say 'skillful' DM style games like quake and unreal. But you could still explain what appeals about it to you? I am not going to **** all over your opinions i am genuinely curious as to what you find interesting about it. Especially if you are one of these people that watches others play lol.
e.g. is it the big maps etc, do you also enjoy the battlefield style games?
Think the comparison you’re looking to make is more like FPS meets MMO meets simulation.
As for the skilfulness, personally there is more skill with real tactics involved in Dayz that any other FPS game. You need to be able to track players while making sure you have your backside covered. You need to know your distances and make sure your zero’ing is always correct, know when to run to avoid fatigue, keep noise to a minimum, know your exits, read maps and contours and use your environment to blend in…. Whereas in say BF, you run gun die and respawn, rinse, repeat and rinse. .
Dayz is all about the exploration, the emersion and that epic feeling of survival. You spent time exploring and gathering kit, you feel attached to your kit and don’t want to let it go… Then you see an enemy player, your hands start to sweet, heart starts beating, leaving with two decisions… do you try and sneak out and hope you’ve not been spotted or go hunting for players to take their kit!
All of the above mixed in with game play with friends is un describable. Planning NWA runs in the dead of night to get some epic gear - Amazing! A group of us decided to raid a town with the moon light bright enough not to need NVGs, we knew the town might be full of bandits and Z’ds. So one of the 5 of us camped in a tree, he had NVG’s, silenced sniper rifle and camo kit.. As 4 of us walking into the town we heard “ping ping”, we saw the zombies dropping around us who were running towards us. Thankfully our friend had our back… Got some great kit, got out of there, put the stuff in the tent for our clan mates to use later on…………. Words cant explain how epic that felt. Dayz is what you make of it!
it depends how you play it sometimes its boring sometimes its truley epic.
also playstyle can be like chalk and cheese so move slowly survive some go for all out battles like me and who i play with. had some epic battles with some on here like MGT lot and the likes which have lasted for like a week at a time
if we get squads like that and tfu and others could make for some epic fun. thing is with how stuff is locked down now for standalone aswell there is no chance of unfair play either gunna be awesome !
I would love to see some large group vs large group! Alltho, the problem with OCUK servers it becomes a camp fest in the main towns! But I’m up that.