DCS:- Black Shark English Version Released!

Can anyone help, I seem to be having problems with the keyboard, when I hit \ to bring up the radio commands nothing happens. I have tried mapping the \ to my mouse but no joy! am I being stupid?

Also would it benefit me getting the ocz 4 gig ram and taking out my existing 2 gig 667 ram?

For those of you missing the "point" of using Vista with Blackshark, read the entire forum thread here

and here:

In short: Using Blackshark with Vista (32 or 64 bit) yields approx 10 to 20 fps more consistantly over the same system on XP. But to see the results you must do the affinity trick and do it correctly ( ie. not on the launcher.exe and activate each time or use the affinity tweaks mentioned here and in other threads so that the multi-core affinity tweak auto starts for you.)
Up to you if you want to use XP or Vista, but just know that you will get more FPS on Vista with a multicore system, over XP.
I am currently running Blackshark on a dual boot system, running XP Pro and Vista x64, and I am consistantly getting approx 18-20 fps more in my Vista boot-up than I do when I boot into XP and run Blackshark.

Last edited by Talon; 12-23-2008 at 07:28 PM..

found this on a forum,thought it may come in handy:)
I think radio commands are #, well they are for me anyway.


But in the pdf manual it shows \ as the default? hmm some keys work though. I have turned on the nav switches etc am I missing something?

Also I have full settings including 1024 cockpit and I get approx 20 fps what does everyone else get and how did you achieve it. what settings does everyone use?
Wish I had bought this before the pound crashed against the dollar. Can you pay by paypal and is it only available from their own website?
You know im still ummin and arrin about this as per my previous posts..it is a bit expensive and with no taster demo available its really making it hard to decide. Ah well, ill have to choose eventually i guess.

Yup same as me KS

Do you like hardcore sims? FSX, lock-on....etc. If you do then buy it. If you like flying aces/ ace combat then don't bother. It has a good arcade mode, but its main aim is to simulate the KA-50 down to the nut that holds the front wheels on. I'm not sure I'll ever learn what all the switches do, but I'll have a good time trying to learn.
But in the pdf manual it shows \ as the default? hmm some keys work though. I have turned on the nav switches etc am I missing something?

Also I have full settings including 1024 cockpit and I get approx 20 fps what does everyone else get and how did you achieve it. what settings does everyone use?

Check the key assignment in the options, that should clear it up for you. Press the key and it should jump to the corresponding command.

I have everything up full except the water (real fps killer) 512 for the cockpit (this number only applies to the resolution of ABRIS map and the Shkval tv screen only. It has no effect on cockpit textures. Also turn off the mirrors, these also kill fps and serve no useful purpose. If you have vista and dual core, see thevet's post above.

Hardcore sims...FS9 check - FSX Check - IL2 Check - Lockon Hit and miss lol hence the main reason why i havent got it yet as per my previous posts.

Cougar stick and throttle, with saitek pro pedals and trackir4

If you like sims enough to buy all that gear - you'll almost certainly love Black Shark. I fully intend to buy it once I've bought a decent HOTAS set, rudder pedals, a new GFX card, some RAM and TrackIR. Nearly £400's worth... erk!
I would definitely do the affinity trick if you are running vista. Download the files prophet has posted on thevets link. On the training mission where it runs through the startup procedure I was getting 15fps when you look around the cockpit. I now get 30fps and a lot more when flying, smooth as :D Cheers thevets :)
Well well, ive finally done it, purchased minutes ago, and in the process of downloading (just under 2mb/sec for both files) and also printing the 300+ page manual lol i must be mad....is there anything else i would need that hasnt been covered here in the thread?
Well well, ive finally done it, purchased minutes ago, and in the process of downloading (just under 2mb/sec for both files) and also printing the 300+ page manual lol i must be mad....is there anything else i would need that hasnt been covered here in the thread?

Great news im still holding out for the hard copy, well i've waited this long:D.
you should download BOTh manuals knightstalker.
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