de_dust HDR out

7 Oct 2004
New update for CS:S released, de_dust in HDR :D


Added HDR lighting to de_dust
Added GSG9 and Arctic player models
Improved lag compensation
Unified client and server player anims
Bot navigation files on disk are preferred over nav files embedded in bsps
Bots can use drop-down ladders
Bug fixes

Resized some crates in de_dust to fix players being able to peek over them
cant connect to any servers at all since this update - seems none of the servers have been updated. How long does this process usually take?
james.miller said:
i dunno why we're bothering tbh. you know it'll be full of people complaining about frame rates lol.
But for the people with more than powerfull enough PC's, it's good :D I'll be updating with screenies.
Ive turned off HDR now, used to be nice but i didnt really need it in CS.

Just restarted and getting 50 kb/s on 2meg.
grrrr....this is reminding me why I've more or less quit PC gaming. I only play CS:S with mates on a sunday and wednesday evening and none of us can get in a game :(



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Hmmm mine was more or less instant. No stalling or anything... pipex 2 meg.
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mine was fine aswell

i really cba with hdr, my rig cant play at any settings - and tbh all it did on nuke was basically turn your contrast up lol

edit: any1 fancy some css? - may start a thread....
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