Decent Pen?

I use a Parker at the moment, but it's not really ideal - find that when I'm writing where my hand's been resting on the paper (as I move down it) the ink seems not to "stick" as well. I think I'd be best off with one of these Jetstream contraptions but they're a bit steep :o
I'm quite a fan of the old Parker pens. Looking to get my first Parker pen again, a Parker 25, simple but I liked it. Not sure of the more modern snazzy ones mind. I'll keep an eye on this thread as i'm after one for about the same money :)
I use a lovely Mont Blanc fountain. It's wonderful. Don't know if you could find any of the range for £50 though.

Ant :cool:
I have 2 Cross pens which I use day to day.

Great pens, also have a Mont Blanc for show really :D
I use parker jotter pens, don't think it would be worth paying £50 as there's always a good chance of losing it! I've lased a good 8 months with my current parker and it only cost me £5 :)
Parker fountain pens have always been very good for me. I seem to break the nib of every biro/ball point pen I write with for more than a day or so - never understood it. Parkers are cheap and cheerful - they write well and it's not the end of the day if you lose it.

Edit: Some are cheap and cheerful - I think my one was about £12 :)
Parker do a really good roller ball type pen which is hybrid as it writes like a fountain pen with real ink, but has a biro style roller ball. Refils are easy to get hold of and it's good if you have to fill in NCR sheets which are not so good with a fountain pen.

The best thing is to go inot somewhere with a good selection eg. jJohn Lewis or similar, and try them all out, as the barrels are all different sizes etc.
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