Decision to make : Cayman Islands

Right, where to begin?!

It seems like I've been out here for months, when intact it's probably only been around 3 weeks. So what's the latest?

  1. We've finally found a place to rent. I nice ocean front two bed condo / apartment in a fairly quiet part of the island. It's costing me a little over two ground (inc bills) to rent this place.... About a grand more, than my place in Cardiff.
  2. Work is going okay.... To be honest I'm still trying to work out whether this was the right move or not - this will probably take a month or two.
  3. My girlfriend came out here with me. She's currently away touring south America for about a month. She hasn't found work on the island yet.... But is receiving some very interesting offers back in Europe and the Middle East!
How am I feeling overall? I have mixed feelings right now. I'm happy I agreed to come out here, but frustrated at how slow and expensive things are here.

The customer experience within the local Banks here, is slow.... So slow that it can take weeks to setup and open an account.... And then there are the charges, which I won't go into right now.

And then the cost of living.... Now I'm on a fairly decent wage here. So I can only imagine how the low income earners survive. Pretty much everything costs twice as much - compared to UK prices - I've never experienced anything like it.... Makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
It'll take some getting used to, that's for sure. I know people who live on the Cayman Islands and they say it's "island life" and island pace. You have to adjust your expectations to that... not experienced it to live, so I'd not know but living in France seems similar lol
Ah, good old Caribbean culture, no doubt annoying at times but presumably the workplace is fairly relaxed too?

(having said that I'm sure some nurses and doctors who end up over there have some horror stories re: the general relaxed attitude/lack of urgency at times).

Apart from all that..... The food is fantastic, the beaches are great, water is crystal clear and between me and you.... The women out here (and in Miami)......
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Love the place cant wait to go back, been for Christmas / New Years last couple of years as the missus has family over there. Fish sandwich from maccabuca is my favourite thing I’ve ever eaten, sea fire resort on 7 mile beach, rum point, turtle farm, water skiing, crystal caves, so much to do on such a little island. Didn’t find prices too extravagant as long as you stick to the local super markets and buy local stuff rather than imported.
So I'm close to 7 months in now, a lot of ups and downs but I'm still here. Secured both a raise and bonus (nothing much and completely unexpected. So win win).

Relationship wise, went through an extremely bad break up with the other half. Won't go into any detail, but it was bad.

On the plus side I've met some amazing people, taken up kickboxing and have become a bit of an alcoholic :)
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