DeltaForce Games.. (DF1,DF2,BHD ETC)

I used to play DF1 a heck of a lot online, the arctic map was fantastic.

I can't even remember my handle now though :( I'd guess it was the same as my OCUK name but I'm not sure.

They were fantastic times, I remember lying prone waiting to see two pixels flickering at the other end of the map as someone else was crawling around.

I liked the scoring as well,
1 point for a kill
2 points for a headshot
3 points for a knife

Happy days :)
BHD was the first multiplayer online game I ever played for more than a few minutes. Sadly I had terrible 56k dialup at the time and suffered from terrible lag but still enjoyed it for a while.

I loved the whole dusty african setting and the present day real weapons etc rather than half life type futuristic weapons etc. Hiding from the circling helicopters under shacks and things. Brilliant fun!!!

However it all too soon descended into a huge cheating fest with all kinds of terrible and ridiculous hacks. I remember seeing people running around with the fixed minigun implacements floating above their heads, giving them huge unlimited ammo firepower, completely ruind it for me!!!
Used to play a fair bit of BHD. Played as Infektion, I was a sneaky sneaky sniper! I remember one map (Rampage?) that was a sniper's paradise. Seems like another age now!
Started PC gaming in Delta Force and then started first MP clan/squad in Delta Force 2.

Just checking my old squads website is still goin lots of old memories there :)

BTW for the guy who mentioned i remember CHI and SBS n the days when i started and FF and JA* were the big dogs
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BHD was a chance buy when i first got pc and omg i loved it . Some of the custom maps where brill. Then moved on to joint ops 200 player severs was very good , but it never seemed to take off and died . Its a Shame because it was good.
I remember playing one, at least 11-13 years ago. I remember a lot of sand and pyramids I think (some sort of desert scenery). I kinda enjoyed it even though it was repetitive as hell.
Still love the 1st one in 4 player LAN parties for the ultimate sniping game, trying to hit a pixel moving 1km away (seemed much easier on an 800x600 14in CRT!) with the barrett or just playing a MP5SD level with a 100m range, it was all good!

i played df 1 or 2 i think all i can rememmber is some really weird voice taunt, in female and male voices... can anyone rememmber that ???

oh and the famous "SNIPER ON THE HILL" warning... lol i do hope that was DF or im going to have to do some research.
Deltaforce 1,2 and land warrior were awesome. Best memory's from one and two though.

I miss the Comanche series from Novalogic :(
I remember playing one, at least 11-13 years ago. I remember a lot of sand and pyramids I think (some sort of desert scenery). I kinda enjoyed it even though it was repetitive as hell.

That was Land Warrior, the third one, they moved away from voxels to polygons and it was blooming awful in comparison.

There was a general lack of care about the game...everything was built in polygons except the guns, which were low resolution bitmaps obscuring a large amount of the screen, and instead of stairs up the pyramids there were slopes with a stairs pattern on was shoddy.

Delta Force Xtreme (their spelling!), was the last one, it was a remake of the original and was loads of fun, it had lots of vehicles in it as well.
i played df 1 or 2 i think all i can rememmber is some really weird voice taunt, in female and male voices... can anyone rememmber that ???

oh and the famous "SNIPER ON THE HILL" warning... lol i do hope that was DF or im going to have to do some research.

Played land warrior only team i was in for that was BAF, moved on to BHD and played in a couple of teams, most notably pth (pathfinders) for the majority of my BHD days with ice, mol, aphex, big_dave, um can't remember many more now but met them all at a little lan we had near essex, good times.

By the time i quit i was consistently hitting 50% headshots minimum, only other guy i knew that could do that was a guy called neifelhiem in DEA - i HATED people who noobtubed 24/7
Played df2, task force dagger and the joint ops games, loved the amount of player numbers, and sniping was excellent. Joint operations was a particular fave, planting satchel charges on the roads and waiting for apc's to pass by.
seem to remember playing one of these at a friends house about 11/12 years ago, think it was a demo. All I remember is being in the desert shooting guys from miles away amongst some pyramids..
Played land warrior only team i was in for that was BAF, moved on to BHD and played in a couple of teams, most notably pth (pathfinders) for the majority of my BHD days with ice, mol, aphex, big_dave, um can't remember many more now but met them all at a little lan we had near essex, good times.

By the time i quit i was consistently hitting 50% headshots minimum, only other guy i knew that could do that was a guy called neifelhiem in DEA - i HATED people who noobtubed 24/7

ice, security, stealth ect in pth :) I was VeX.

Did you ever play in team gb? me, goldy, stealth, security, ice, sublime, getz, street etc
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ice, security, stealth ect in pth :) I was VeX.

Did you ever play in team gb? me, goldy, stealth, security, ice, sublime, getz, street etc

I remember the name goldy and street, can't remember any of the others though, i was in BAF with ice + some of the other original pth guys in 2003, then in pth with a lot of them up until around about sptember/october 2004 when i jumped ship to play css

The way back machine will sort my memory out as i think i have all my dates wrong!

urban Tigers - I played for them briefly nearer the end of my BHD days (played for them for about half a month in css as well)
Genocide krew - always had good laughs with those guys

Can't get into the pathfinders page of 2003 though as it keeps going to a later one >_<
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I remember the name goldy and street, can't remember any of the others though, i was in BAF with ice + some of the other original pth guys in 2003, then in pth with a lot of them up until around about sptember/october 2004 when i jumped ship to play css

The way back machine will sort my memory out as i think i have all my dates wrong!

urban Tigers - I played for them briefly nearer the end of my BHD days (played for them for about half a month in css as well)
Genocide krew - always had good laughs with those guys

Can't get into the pathfinders page of 2003 though as it keeps going to a later one >_<

Ahh yeah, I played for uT for a while when they moved to joint ops :P
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