DeltaForce Games.. (DF1,DF2,BHD ETC)

Hey guys just ran across this whilst searching old clan names. I was Pth.Raptor I remember ICE and them lot. Bloody noobtube now there's something I haven't heard for a long time. BhD was my first before CS or BField. Anyway howdy guys
Delta Force was the first game I played online. I remember all too well the speed hacks with people running circles around you like flash with a knife in hand! :p used the scare me when swimming in water and some guys just appears from nowhere like a shark and knifes you.
Delta Force Land Warrior.. woah i put some serious time into! The Egypt map was epic running around the Pyramids! had some great game online

Nothing beat loading through Gamespy or Xfire

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DF2 brought me many happy days gaming on our first family computer; a Tiny PC running with a Pent3, 128Mb RAM, 20GB HDD and Windows 98 on a 15" CRT. Lost many hours of my life to that game. Later in my mid teens, DF:BHD again lost me many happy hours gaming.

Probably sunk way more hours into these games than I ever have more modern offerings. Would pick up a reboot of the DF series in a heartbeat.

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i used to make maps for df1, made one where i shoved 2 hangars together with some guard towers in the corners and loads of cover, very close quarters night vision and a lot of fun

i was in a small mostly co-op clan with a few guys from netherlands but can't remember the clan name lol, somebody called wolfphoenix and timo were in it

pvp games were plagued with teleport knifing though
Was it one of the Delta Force games where you had to infiltrate a city (somewhere in Mexico or similar) and get to a huge square building where if you made it up the side to the roofline, you got to unleash hell on everything within a quarter mile radius with a minigun that was mounted to the edge??
Played Joint Ops to death, mainly on Flyswatter and orangebowl ( US ) name was Hudson UK
Joint ops was fantastic, it was a far better game than BF2.

Loved joint ops. Played it for ages after all my mates stopped playing I was DukeRaoul. Anyone remember ladysniff, phantom? I remember playing against KIA and getting owned. Anyone?
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i remember ladysniff.

How far games developers have come, from 200 player servers to 64 thanks to the console peasants.
I remember playing Delta Force, it really felt like you were a soldier with how the voices were in game, it seemed incredibly realistic at the time. I also played Delta Force Land Warrior online which was fun. I think at the time I also played the Novalogic flight sim games and I thought one day there'd be a cross over where you'd have soldiers on the ground and the flight sim guys fighting overhead, that was the future of gaming in my eyes. Took some time for that to happen with the Battlefield games.

DF:BHD was also a great game. There doesn't seem to have been much out in recent times that's struck the right balance of arcade mixed with realism. It either seems to be you're a super soldier in Call of Duty, etc, or you have games like Arma and Squad which are milsim games.
Got BF2 up and running over the weekend via BF2Hub. Set up an account using my old name (ThisAnimal) and after the first ranked match was delighted when it was populated with my old stats and unlocks!

Spent a happy few hours in Karkand, IMHO it still plays as well as ever, in a busy match I didn't even notice the graphics. I still suck though :)

Edit: Sorry misread the title as "BF2". Still, DF2 was also a favourite at LAN parties. Might try and resurrect that too :)
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My and my brother played all the Delta Force games (until the engine just got too bad to play a few years ago!) but I never played online.

I still remember some of the single player campaigns, they were epic, at that time. It was probably DF2, but I loved the weapons (the glock with a 40 round clip was a favourite sidearm!) but a couple of those games were brilliant in their day. Never even knew there was an online community for it!
I loved the scale of the early games - it seemed as if you could wander around for miles! It was great and tense exploring, trying not to get caught. Great fun.
I've just found my old DF2 and DF Land Warrior cd's. Spent a few hours on my old rebuilt pc reminiscing on playing these online many years ago. Was in a clan, something like MZ. Gave it all up when cheats became too much.
Sniping was great though.
Just wondering really who used to play the old delta force games :)

Thought we could list what games we played, what teams we were in and our favorite servers etc!

I'll start,

Started on DF2, played for ::CHI under the name Eagle::CHI, with ICU, Huntress, TILT, Mamba etc, also played for -SBS- with rex & andy if anyone remembers them!

Then moved to BHD after a few years, stayed with ::CHI for a while then moved on to .pth - path finders, .se - squad elite, team gb, *ISA* and |TM| Team Muppet :)

Mainly played on *ISA* Arena server with the name VeX or NormanNoob on BHD :)

So, who else played the DF series?? Let's see if we recognise any names etc :)

That is all!

Aw, nostalgia is settling in :D

DF: Black Hawk Down... Used to be in a clan called Team Muppet, with all the players named after the muppets, funnily enough :p

Sitting out in the hills, miles away, taking them out, one by one... Just can't do that in games nowadays :(

Ernie TM here remember you both. I left pc after joint operations. Haven't pc gamed for 9years
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