Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Since when did everyone start wearing Oly shoes? This time last year the trend was "Hell no you're just masking ankle mobility faggot, brb vibrams" but now it's OK to use them?

Not at all, I squat high bar and until the last few months have started some snatch work. I wear them primarily because of high bar squatting, this also helps my back issue, while I can squat without Oly shoes I prefer the less bum wink accomplished with wearing them. My ankle mobility isn't half bad either I dont think :)
Friday 18th July: Back
130kg x 5
132.5kg x 5, 5, 5
130kg x 5, 5
120kg x 5
+5kg x 5, 5
+2.5kg x 4+2negs
70kg x 12, 12, 12
-ISO Rows:
15kg x 15
20kg x 15, 15
-Lat pulldown:
Notch 8 x 10
Notch 7 x 10, 8

Good, but I'm still frustrated as to why my deadlifts are so weak. Seemed to do something to my back that session, twisted to pick something up after the lat pulls and something tweaked lower down, should recover by Monday hopefully.
Not had much chance to update, so splurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrge:

Monday 21st July: Chest
Bench: 60kg x 8, 8, 57.5kg x 8
Flat DB Bench: 24's x 8, 8, 22's x 8
Inc. DB Bench: 22's x 8, 20's x 10, 8
Straight bar push down: N7 x 15, N8 x 15, N7 x 15
Straight bar pull down: N5 x 15, 15, N4 x 15

Noice. Bench went well, last couple of reps on the last two sets grinded a bit. Got tired on the DB benching, as such my shBen also noted my benching looks good, so that's awesome.

Tuesday 22nd July: Legs
Squats: 82.5kg x 5, 85kg x 5, 5, 5, 82.5kg x 5, 5
Front Squat: 70kg x 5, 72.5kg x 5, 5, 70kg x 5, 5
RDL's: 70kg x 8, 80kg x 8, 82.5kg x 8 (all strapped)
Ham curl (single leg): 10kg x 12, 12, 12
Adductor stretch x sickening

Not bad, still not great. Didn't help that my hips were destroyed for some reason prior....stable base from benching? :X


Thursday 24th July: Shoulders and snatch work
PP: 45kg x 5, 42.5kg x 6, 40kg x 8, 35kg x 8
OHP: 30kg x 7, 27.5kg x 8, 25kg x 8
O.H.Squat: Bar x 5, 5, 30kg x 3, 3, 35kg x 1(fail 2nd), 2.
Hang Snatch: 40kg x 2(fail 3rd), 3, 45kg x FF, 1(fail 2nd
Full snatch: 40kg x 3, 3, 3, 50kg x FFFF
Rope face pulls: N1 x 12, N3 x 12, N4 x 12, N5 x 15

Enjoyed this no end, need to keep on top of leaning back with PP, happening too much, just happens when the weights get to this stage...Maybe increased the weight too early? Who knows.


Friday 25th July: Back
Deads: 132.5kg x 5, 135kg x 5, 5, 5, 5 (hnng! So good!)
Chins: +7.5kg x 5 (:D), +5kg x 5 (lool), +2.5kg x 2+3negs
BORs: 75kg x 10 (too heavy this week) 70kg x 12, 12, - tired
ISO Row-Single arm: 20kg x 15, 22.5kg x 15, 25kg x 15
Lat pull down: N9 x 8 (woops, wrong one), N8 x 12, N7 x 12

Awwwww yeah. Deads have been annoying me no end lately, decided to narrow my stance and a bit, felt amazingly better and more naturaly this week...MUST remember to keep doing this, I shall get back to where I was +some :cool:

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Monday 28th July: Chest
Bench: 62.5kg x 8, 60kg x 8, 57.5kg x 8
Flat dB bench: 26's x 10, 24's x 8, 22's x 9
Inc. DB bench: 22's x 7+1 no lockout, 18's x 11, 12 - dropped to 18's because of shoulder
Machine press thing: 10kg per hand: 15, 15, 15
Straight bar pushdown: N8 x 15, 15, N7 x 15
Single arm pulldown: N2 x 15, 15, 15

Actually happy with that. Bench is increasing nicely this cycle, shoulder still not 100% but I usually only get discomfort on incline work....?
Tuesday 29th July: Legs
Squats: 5 x 5 x 85kg
Front squats: 5 x 5 x 72.5kg
Snatch rdl's: 80kg x 8, 85kg x 8, 8 (all strapped)
Ham curl (single leg plate): 10kg x 12, 12.5kg x 12, 10kg x 12

Not bad. Felt weak as sin but powered through and the sets got easier. Have some plans to work on my ankle collapse so watch this space. Really wanting to take my squats forward this time.

P.S: stupid ham curl machine makes the plate fly off mid rep on occasion :mad:
Training: Thursday 31st July: Shoulders and snatch
PP: 45kg x 5, 40kg x 8, 6, 36kg x 8
OHP: 30kg x 8, 27.5kg x 8, 25kg x 8
OHSquat: Bar x 5,5,4, 30kg x 3,3, 35kg x F,2,3
Hang snatch: 40kg x 2(F3), 3, 2(F3)
Snatch: 40kg x 2(F3), 3, 2, 2
Face pull: N5 x 15, N6 x 15, 15

Felt weak today. PP is annoying me, keep leaning back on the heavy sets, so just need to lower the weight I think.

Snatch work okay, not great, again felt weak. Keep humping the bar too much as I'm bruising again :o

This would appear to be a problem for your snatch: you're rocking onto your toes too quickly, and those glutes aren't pushing hard enough through your heels (because they have nothing to push against).

As such, the bar goes sailing forward, and your pull starts too high.

Amusingly, because of your 'launch' position, you actually jump forward under the bar, anyway, meaning it's easier to catch. :D

A fun drill for you: stick a 2.5kg plate under your toes (opposite affect to your shoes, of course), and snatch from a high hang to encourage you to force your heels into the ground.
Training Friday 1st August: Back
Deads: 5 x 5 x 135kg
Chins: +7.5kg x 5, 5kg x 4+2negs, @BW x 4+3negs
BORs: 70kg x 12, 12, 65kg x 12
ISO Rows: 20kg x 15, 25kg x 15, 15
Lat pull down: N8 x 10, N7 x 10, N6 x 12

Deads - Meh, felt horrible, back went on the first set, probably didn't get tight enough. Also decided I'm not dead lifting on that platform when I can help it, sink in to it way to much and I think its having an effect.

Bors, felt week.

Everything else, not great either but hey ho.
Monday 4th of August: National Chest Day
Bench: 62.5kg x 8, 8, 60kg x 7+1 spot rep
Flat DB Bench: 26's x 10, 8, 24's x 6 (I think), 22's x 8
Inc. DB Bench: 22's x 6, 20's x 6(F7), 18's x 10
Straight bar push down: N9 x 14, N8 x 14, N7 x 14
Single arm pull down: N2 x 15, N2 x 20 + N1 x 20
Pallof press: Green band x 12 (twice)
Adductor stretch

Really pleased with Bench, some of them flew up, despite having a gash shoulder all day.
Training Tuesday 5th August: Legs
Squats: 85kg x 5, 87.5kg x 5,5,5,5
Front squat: 72.5kg x 5, 75kg x 5,5,5,5
Snatch rdl (straps): 85kg x 8, 8,8
Ghr thing: be x 8,8,8
Ham curl plate loaded: 10kg x 12,12,12

Hnnng, first of squats was nice, after that I fall apart apparently :p


Training Thursday 7th August: shoulders and snatch
PP: 45kg x 5, 42.5kg x 5, 40kg x 6 or 7, 35kg x 8
Ohp: 30kg x 7, 27.5kg x 8,8
OHSquat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3, 35kg x 2(f3rd), 40kg x 2 PB
Hang snatch: 40kg x F1st, 2, 3, 1(f2nd)1
Snatch: 40kg x fff, 3, 1 f2/3, 1 f2/3
Snatch pull thing: 40kg x 4, 5, 10
Face pull: 10kg x 15, 15kg x 15,15

Snatch work was abysmal, pp was carp. On the plus side OHSquat pb :p
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On your squats, the weight is coming forward. Watch your heels dance and lift in the second set.

Another indicator is how the rise of your shoulders relative to your hips slows dramatically after the first rep or two.

An answer to this particular is to (obviously) not do it, but then we're in to the "hows" which are a little more experimental. Ankle mobility is one area, the other is wider stance (both yield broadly the same result through different means) as both will give your hips more room, currently occupied by your femurs.

The other alternative (which Klokov uses) is to get an absolutely ridiculously strong back and suck it up, by doing stupid pulls (deficit snatch grip SLDLs, for example). I would strongly advise you to NOT do this, because weightlifting is not your job.
Updated snatch vid now hopefully.

Yeah :( This is getting heavy for me now so my issues will stand out more :( I have widedend my stance a bit, need to be careful though as my adductors will just pull my knees in presumably. I'll have a play
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