Thursday 28th August: Shoulders and snatch
PP: 45kg x 4, 40kg x 6,6,6
Ohp: 40kg test...1pp in to 1 ohp. 30kg x 8,8,8
O.H.squat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3,3, 30kg x 1(deeper rep)
Hang snatch: 40kg x 2,2,2
Snatch: 40kg x 2, 1 then F, 2
Face pull: n7 x 15, n8 x 15,15
Rear dB flyes: 8kg x 15,15, 6kg x 15
Side raises: 4kg x 15,15,15
Training - 29.8.14 - Snatch stuff:
Considering last weeks session was none exist any, this wasn't terrible.
Friday 29th August: back
Deads: 157.5kg x 3, 160kg x 3,3, 157.5kg x 2(nope), 140kg x 3
Bor: 77.5kg x 12, 75kg x 12, 70kg x 12, 60kg x 12
Back decided tobache here horrendously...
Chins: bw x 5,5,4
ISO rows: 27,5kg x 15, 25kg x 12, 22.5kg x 12
S/S with
Lat pull down: n8 x 12, n7 x 12, n6 x 15
Cable row(narrow): 40kg x 15,15,15
Training - 29.8.14 - Deads:
Back was aching this session, some major lower back doms over the weekend....
Monday 1st September: chest - deload
Bench: 60kg x 8, 55kg x 8,8
Flat dB bench: 24's x 8,8,8
Inc. DB bench: 20's x 8,8,8
Straight bar push down: 15kg x 15,15,15
Rope pull down, single hand: n2 x 15, n1 x 15,15
Pallof press: n4 x 12,12,12
Deloading this week, then starting a new programming for deadlifts potentially...need to rip my squats apart and I'll keep attacking bench and PP