Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer


Monday 25th August: Chest
Bench: 67.5kg x 6,6,6
DB bench: 28's x 8, 6, 26's x 8
Inc.dB bench: 24's x 8, 22's x 8, 20's x 6 (assist on last two reps all sets...some just the left arm)
Straight bar push down: 25kg x 11, 20kg x 10, 15kg x 12
Single rope pull: n3 x 10, n2 x 15,15, n1 x 20
Pallof press: n4 x 12, n5 x 12,12

Hnnnng rep pbs! Pleased with that :)

Post work out cool down:

Tuesday 26th August: Legs
Squats: 95kg x 3,3, 90kg x 3,3,3, 60kg x 5 (form start)
Front squat: 80kgnx 3,3,3,3,3
Snatch rdl: 80kg x 8, 70kg x 8,8

Short session, didn't get in the gym till later than usual as my car decided to die after work, so had to get that fixed :/

Below video is one of the 90kg sets, 1st rep is old style squat, I hit depth,lean forwards to get out of the hole and basically rdl the rep up, next ones i try and lead with the knees, you can see where I stall.....annoyingly. Need to drop the weight back and work on that.

Thursday 28th August: Shoulders and snatch
PP: 45kg x 4, 40kg x 6,6,6
Ohp: 40kg test...1pp in to 1 ohp. 30kg x 8,8,8
O.H.squat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3,3, 30kg x 1(deeper rep)
Hang snatch: 40kg x 2,2,2
Snatch: 40kg x 2, 1 then F, 2
Face pull: n7 x 15, n8 x 15,15
Rear dB flyes: 8kg x 15,15, 6kg x 15
Side raises: 4kg x 15,15,15

Training - 29.8.14 - Snatch stuff:

Considering last weeks session was none exist any, this wasn't terrible.

Friday 29th August: back
Deads: 157.5kg x 3, 160kg x 3,3, 157.5kg x 2(nope), 140kg x 3
Bor: 77.5kg x 12, 75kg x 12, 70kg x 12, 60kg x 12
Back decided tobache here horrendously...
Chins: bw x 5,5,4
ISO rows: 27,5kg x 15, 25kg x 12, 22.5kg x 12
S/S with
Lat pull down: n8 x 12, n7 x 12, n6 x 15
Cable row(narrow): 40kg x 15,15,15

Training - 29.8.14 - Deads:

Back was aching this session, some major lower back doms over the weekend....

Monday 1st September: chest - deload
Bench: 60kg x 8, 55kg x 8,8
Flat dB bench: 24's x 8,8,8
Inc. DB bench: 20's x 8,8,8
Straight bar push down: 15kg x 15,15,15
Rope pull down, single hand: n2 x 15, n1 x 15,15
Pallof press: n4 x 12,12,12

Deloading this week, then starting a new programming for deadlifts potentially...need to rip my squats apart and I'll keep attacking bench and PP
Last edited:
Monday 1st Septt: chest deload
Bench: 60kg x 8, 55kg x 8,8
DB bench: 24's x 8,8,8
Inc. Db bench: 20's x 8,8,8
Straight bar push down: 15kg - 3x15
Rope pull single: n2x15, n1x 15,15
Pallof press: n4 x 12,12,12

Felt heavier this week despite lower weight, still, happy to be repping considering I couldn't bench this time last year :p


Tuesday 2nd Sept: legs deload
Squats: 60kg x 5, 65kg x 5,5,5,5
Paused: 70, 80, 90xf
Front squat: 60kg x 5,5,5,5,5
Snatch rdl: 60kg x 5,5, 70kg x 5
Ghr: be x 8,8,8
Ham curl: 15kg x 10, 10kg x 12,12

Lumbar was aching today...despite staying more upright on squats, it may have been deadlifts from last week. Just need to pay through.


Thursday 4th September: Shoulders and snatch
Pp: 40kg x 6,6, 35kg x 6,6
OHSquat: Bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3,3
Hang snatch & (Pulls): 40kg x 1-F, 2, (FF), (2)1, 1-F-1
Snatch: 40kg x 1-F-1, 3, 3
Face pulls: n8 x 15,15,15
Rear dB flyes: 3x15x6kg
Side raises: 3x15x4kg

After some bennyc loving, my snatches seemed to click a lot better, basically pulled my scaps back and down, and shrugged more at the 2nd pull, seemed to help


Friday 5th September: Deads
Deads: 150 x 1, 160 x 1, 170 x 1, 175 x 1 (new pb :) ), 140 x 3,3,3
BOR: 60 x 12, 70 x 12,12
Iso row: 27.5's x 15,15,15
Lat pull down - Wide x (narrow): N6x12 + (12), n5x12 + (12) x 2

Heh, random new pb. Deads slowly coming together :)
Thanks dod

Afraid not wozza, I was on route then things went bad :/ probably be able to do it if I was fresh
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