Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Do more. ;) :D

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Friday 8th August: Back
Deads: 135 x 5, 137.5 x 5,5, 140 x 5,5
Bors: 70kg x 12, 72.5kg x 12,12, 70kg x 10
Chins: +7.5kg 4+3 negs, +5kg x 3/4+2negs, @bw x 5
Iso row: 20kg x 15, 25kg x 15, 15
Lat pull down: N8 x 8,8,8, N6 x 10

Tasty. Took the shoes off, much better. Seemed to do something to my back, probably just strained it slightly so need to watch that, still a bit sore this morning.

Everything else not bad, keep smashing.
Monday 11th August: Chest
Bench: 65kg x 6, 62.5kg x 5+1 assist, 60kg x 6, 50kg x 8
DB Bench: 26's x 8, 24's x 8, 22's x 10 (felt amazing), 9
Inc. DB Bench: 22's x 5 (look), 18's x 10, 12 (no pain this week....)
Straight bar pushdown: N8 x 15, 15, N7 x 15
Single rope pulldown: N2 x 15, 15, N1 x bajilllion
Pallof press, green band: 12, 3sec pause x 12, 12

Bench, not bad....I guess in hindsight I hit my rep range but felt so much weaker this week than last week...

Tuesday 12th August: Legs
Squat: 87.5kg x 3, 90kg x 3, 3, 92.5kg x 3, 3
Front squat: 75kg x 3, 77.5kg x 3, 80kg x 3, 3, 3
Snatch RDL: 85kg x 8, 87.5kg x 8, 8
GHR thing: +5kg x 8, 8, 8
Han curl: 10kg x 15, 12.5kg x 12, 12

Tasty. Squat going still, don't think I kept as tight as last week, using the different rack didn't help....apparently the gym is getting a little busier. Pfft

Thursday 14th August: Shoulders and snatch stuff
PP: 45kg x 6, 6, 42.5kg x 6, 40kg x 7
OHP: 32.5kg x 8, 30kg x 8, 27.5kg x 8
OHSquat: Bar x 4, 5, 30kg x 4, 35kg x 3(I think), 40kg FF-Couldn't even snatch the bar up :(
Hang Snatch: 40kg x FF, 1/F, 2
Full snatch: 40kg x 1/F/F, 1/F/1, 3.
Face pull: N6 x 15, N7 x 15, 15
Rear DB flyes: 4kg x 15,15,15

Pushpress went better this week, managed to get the leg drive working better. OHSquat was fine until the 40kg sets, just couldn't get the bar up :(.....That obviously went in to the snatch work as well which royally annoyed me.

Always next week I guess...
Friday 18th August: Deads
Deads: 140kg x 3, 145kg x 3, 147.5kg x 3, 150kg x 3, 3
Bors: 75kg x 12, 12, 72.5kg x 12, 70kg x 12
Chins: +7.5kgx6, +5kgx5, @bwx4 (+3negs)
Iso row: 25kg x 15,,15,15, 50kg x 15(both hands)
Lat pull down: n8 x 10,10,10, n6 x 10

Not bad, things felt better today :)
Thanks man!

Schedule seems to work out reasonably well :) Back home before 7pm usually which gives me a few hours at home so that works. Gf is going to Uni soon for weekends so I may end up changing my routine so it happens over the weekend predominantly.
Monday 18th August: Chest
Bench: 65kg x 6,6,6
Flat dB bench: 26's x 8,8,8
Inc. DB bench: 24's x f,f, 22's x 8,8 20's x 8
Straight bar push down: n8 x 15, n9 x 12, n8 x 11, n7 x 15
Single arm rope pulldown: n2 x 15,15,,15
Pallor press: n4 x 12,12,12

Hnnnnng, yes! Bench PB's all round. Things seemed to click yesterday and it was awesome :D

Barely shifted 65kg last week, managed three sets of six this week. DB bench worked a treat also, same with incline :cool:
Still the best deadlift form on the entire internet. I still don't understand how it doesn't translate to your squat but hey, I'm the opposite :p.

Thanks bud :D

Tuesday 19th August: legs
Squats: 92.5kg x 3, 95kg x 3,3,3,3
Front squat: 80kg x 3, 82.5kg x 3,3, 80kg x 3,3
Snatch grip rdl: 87.5kg x 8, 90kg x 8,8
Ghr thing: +5kg x 8,8,8
Ham curl (single leg superset): 15kg x 10, 10kg x 10, 5kg x 12

Not bad, nice numbers, terrible form this week, knees kept collapsing.

Friday 22nd August: Back (+some shoulder)
Deads: 150 x 3, 155 x 3, 157.5 x 3,3, 155 x 3
Bors: 77.5 x 12, 75 x 12,12
Chins: +7.5kg x 4, +5kg x 4/5?, BW x 4 + 3negs
ISO row: 25 x 15, 27.5 x 15,15, two arms: 50kg x 15
Lat pulldown: n8 x 10,10,10, s/s: n6 wide x 15, n6 narrow x 15
Face pull: 15kg x 15,15,15
Rear dB fly: 6kg x 15,15,15
Side raises: 4kg x 15,15,15

Not bad, could be tighter as I started to slow down and fatigue on the 157.5kg set...
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