Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Cheers bud

Tuesday 4th November: Leg's
Leg WU: box jumps, back extensions, couch stretch
Front stretch:
-75kg x 5,5
-80kg x 4,4
-85kg x 3,3
Offset Deficit split squats: 3 x 10 x 20kg
V-squat: 3 x 12 x 65kg

Front squats felt alright, could be better, need to work on keeping on my heels more.

Split squats worked better this week, I appear to have less balance if my left foot is back.....not sure, just keep trying I guess.
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Cheers bro :)

Thursdsay 6th November: Snatch work
-Snatch pulls:
Bar x some, some
30kg x 6,5
35kg x 5, 4+1snatch
40kg x 5, 2snatch
45kg x 3, 1snatch
50kg x 5

50kg x ff, FF, f
40kg x 3,3
50kg x f

Not bad, no pressing this week to recover the shoulder.


Friday 7th November: Deads - Ed Coan WK 9
185kg x 1
-Speed deads:
2 x 3 x 132.5kg

-Power shrugs:
2 x 5 x 132.5kg

Snatch rdl's:
2 x 5 x 110kg

So, new PB/1RM :D Awesome!
185kg felt tidy, much better than the 180 x 2 last week.

Next week,max attempt. All being well 190 will go, 200 possibly but it wouldn't be nice so I'd have to see how the back is feeling, may need to save that for a pretty Xmas pb.

Thinking about starting this week, but I know I'll be heading home for xmas time with no gym (and even if I do get a gym it'll be at best once or twice which I suppose would be enough).

How did you get on with the Aux stuff? I see you've pretty much stuck word for word on it. Not sure if I fancy arched back good mornings or power shrugs. May stick with something else for them.
Thanks man

To be fair you could just run the program entirely by itself...

Aux stuff was good, wasn't sure on the GM's as you say because of my back but I just kept to a weight I could do and took it from there really. The aux stuff is there for a reason, change it at your peril ;)
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Monday 10th November: Chest
Bench: 3 x 8 x 60kg
Flat dB bench: 3 x 8 x 24's
Inc. DB bench: 3 x 8 x something....18's I think

Took last week off benching to recover my shoulder a bit so numbers where lower.


Tuesday 11th November: Legs
-Wu: back extensions, couch stretch, box jumps
-Front squat:
75kg x 5,5 - knees, naff, bar too far forward.
80kg x 4,4 - bit of a wider stance, nope.
80kg x 3,3 - naff...last set probably the best?

-Deficit offset split squat:
3 x 10/10 x 18kg

65kg x 12
67.5kg x 12,12

Front squats have gone to pot this week, there's always next week.
Just saw this video from March this year, annoyed at how much better I was moving for squats, particularly front squats :(

May go in this weekend and have a play, the plan is to drop the weight back and to concentrate staying on my heals mega time as I appear to have gone in to a horrible pattern.

Thursday 13th November: Shoulders and snatch
-WU: box jump, back ext., hip stuff
-PP: 40kg x 8,8,8
-OHP: 30kg x 8,8,8
-OH.Squat: Bar x 3, 30kg x 3,3
-Snatch pull: 30kg x 3,3
-Hang Snatch: 40kg x 1F1, 3
-Snatch: 40kg x 3, 45kg x 1, 50kg x FF, 1, F1, 1, 1
40kg x 2 - well quick
40kg x 3 - even better :)
-Seated face pull: N7 x 15, N8 x 15,15

Hnnng, managed to get 50kg going again! I'm slowly starting to move better, need to remember to keep my butt a bit higher than I used to, chest up and out (this all helps keeping the bar closer to me and my shins) and also stay on my heels for longer. I'm going to start to practice 'dropping' under the weight also, particularly to help with my 50kg sets as I'm pressing the weight up at the moment....


Training 14th November: Deads - Ed Coan Wk 10
-Deads: 190kg x 1 - Hnnnng PB!
-Speed Deads: 2 x 3 x 115kg

Not quite the lockout I would have wanted but my left hand grip was close to failing so I couldn't hitch for a more thorough finish. Still, over the moon with that :)

So far I've added 15kg to my 1RM, so not so bad.

Cheers Jernau!

Any reason you aren't using straps for 1RM attempts so grip isn't an issue?

Strong lift though, hory sheet.

Just not needed them until this point, 185kg last week was no issue :) Next week is max attempt so may strap up for that. My left wrist has been a bit funky these past few weeks so it may have been a contributing factor, I'll have to see how it goes next week.

Thanks though bud, appreciated. When are you going to start logging again? We miss those gif's :(
Maybe in the new year. Unlikely though, my training doesn't really lend itself to logging at the moment. I don't even know what I'm lifting half the time (plate loaded machines, cable stacks with completely random labeling etc). It's laughable :p
Hah, the stacks at the gym I'm in just has number 1-12 written on it, no idea how heavy it is :p

Well be good to see you logging if you get the chance, looking decent at the moment anyway!
Updates for the week.

Monday 17th November: Chest
Bench: 62.5kg x 8,8,7+1spot
Flat DB Bench: 26's x 8,8, 24's x 8
Inc. DB Bench: 20's x 8,8,8

Not bad, got spotted on the last bench rep for some reason.

Tuesday 18th November: Legs
Front Squat: Trying something different hence the beginning weight.
-40kg x 5,5
-60kg x 4,4
-80kg x 3,3

Deficit offset split squats: 3 x 10/10 x 20kg

V-Squat: 3 x 12 x 70kg

Trying to stay more upright on front squats...Have a few things to play with for next week so I'll see how that goes. I'm currently VERY knee dominant and it's not doing me any favors so need to get out of that.


Thursday 20th November: Shoulders and snatch
PP / Power jerk:
-42.5kg x 8,8,8

OHP: 3 x 8 x 32.5kg

OH.Squat: Bar x 3,3, 30kg x 3,3 - wrists....

Snatch pulls: 30kg x some,some

Hang snatch: 40kg x 3
Hang snatch (tried to catch lower): 40kg x 3

Snatch: 40kg x 1, 45kg x 1, 50kg x FF, 1, FF, FF, FF, 1, 40kg x 3,3.

Seated face pull: N8 x 15,15,15

There is a vid, just my phones being annoying so will upload later...
I was excited for today, snatches seemed to be going well, then the 50kg just wouldn't shift...40kg afterwards flew up.

Also, I'm calling my PP a power jerk because that's kind of what I'm doing, it also gives my shoulders a nice workout.

Friday 21st November: Deads - Ed Coan Max week
Deads WU: Bar x 8,8, 70kg x 5, 90kg x 3, 110kg x 3, 130kg x 1, 145kg x 1, 160kg x 1, 180kg x 1
Deads max attempt: 195kg x F, F
Deads: 140kg x 3

Meh, walked in today, things didn't feel right. 180kg felt horrible, hence not trying 200kg. First attempt of 195kg didn't go far and felt it in my back. Second attempt, again didn't think it went much further but looking back it wasn't far off. I seem to have developed good speed off the floor thanks to Ice but its the top half I'm slowing down on now. May give it another shot next week.

Still, I'm happy. In the ten week cycle I've gone from a max of 175kg to 190kg, I've repped 180kg which hardly shifted at the start of the year, repped 180kg for two reps and I'm that much closer to 200kg which I didn't think was going to happen until at least next year :)
Monday 24th November: Chest
Bench: 65kg x 8, 62.5kg x 8,8
Flat dB: 28's x 8, 26's x 8,8
Inc. DB bench: 22's x 8,8,8

Noice, improvement from last week, so far this is going well. :)

Tuesday 25th November: Legs
-Front squat:
40kg x 5,5
50kg x 5
60kg x 4,4
70kg x 3,3

Deficit offset split squats:
22kg x 10/10
22kg x 10/10
22kg x 10/8+3 (left rear leg cramping, hence the difference)

3 x 12 x 72.5kg

Hnnng, much better. Changed the way I'm squatting, leading with my butt out a bit, seems to work nicely.

Massive leg pump.

Thursday 27th November: Snatch and shoulders
-Snatch pulls: bar x some, some, then OH.Squat
-OH.Squat: Bar x 5, 30kg x 3, 3
-Hang snatch: 30kg x 1F1, 3, 40kg x 3,3, 45kg x 1 (this is infact awesome.)
-Snatch: 50kg x basically, fail 100 times, 40kg x 3, 45kg x 1, 2, 1.
-PP/Squat jerk: 45kg x 8, 42.5kg x 8, 8
-OHP: 35kg x 8, 32.5kg x 8,8
-Seated face pull: 3 x 15 x N9
-BennyC Leg raises: 3 x 8

Not bad. switched things around so I did Snatch first...may need to get used to that. 50kg was terrible this week, just no, I appear to have a mental fear over the yellow plates...Coupled with people walking close to the platform and hanging around, its hard to attempt because if I fail there heads will fall off.

After that, the PP/Jerk thing felt odd, right external rotator felt on fire but I think it just need to warm up. Shall do the same next week and go from there.

Training 28th November: Deads deload
-Deads: 160kg x 3, 150kg x 3, 3 -erf
-BOR: 60kg x 12, 70kg x 12, 12
-U/H lat pulldown: N9 x 8, N8 x 8,8
-Snatch grip RDL: 80kg x 8,8,8

Well, deload-ish...Deads felt taxing, severe back doms form last week and my lumbar was feeling generally fatigued....still is.

On the plus side, some major lat pump.

Squats tonight and going by last week I moved a LOT better...going to continue with the arse out technique as it seems to work at keeping me on my heals....this may also transition in to back squats but I'm leaving them for the time being.
Last week

Monday 1st December: Chest
Bench: 67.5kg x 8,8,6
flat db bench: 28s x 8, 26s x 10, 8
inc. db bench: 24's x 8,8, 22s x 6

That first bench set felt amazing. It seems I really start to fatigue on my left side, which is weird considering that's my 'healthy' side...

Decemeber: 2nd: Legs
Front squat:
-40kg x 5
-60kg x 5,5
-70kg x 4,4
-80kg x 1+3 (bennyc distraction :p), 3

Deficit offset split squat:
3 x 10 x 24kg

V-Squat: 3 x 12 x 75kg

Front squats, new movement pattern still, appear to get some lumbar pump on this due to excessively jutting my butt out...Just need to work with it until I get it ingrained and can move faster/more fluidly.

Thursday and Friday...Nothing, man flu.
Monday 8th December: Chest
Bench: 70kg x 8, 7, 67.5kg x 5 (lol)
Flat db bench: 30s x 8, 28s x 7, 26s x 8
Inc. db bench: 24s x 6, 22s x 8, 6?

So, back on it after man flu...Still not 100% yet bench press felt amazing, took the correct lines, felt toight. So good I repped 70kg for the first time, seeing as my current tested 1rm is 75kg I should get 80kg reasonably easily :)

Also, 30s for flat db bench is awesome :D

Incline I'm having the age old issue of physically getting the db's in to the starting position, I'm just so weak at pressing from my shoulders...perhaps I should add something weird like that in....?

Another note, left shoulder, ALWAYS fails before my right one....even though the right one is the dodgey one....hah.

Squats tonight, going to be SO tight so i'll have to mobilise first.
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