Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Think my hips are pretty gash so been working on them, along with that my glutes are pretty tight....

Yeah highbar works better for my back pain, I find if I have a wider grip I also can't stay as upright. I'll have a play tonight though and see how it changes things :)
Just lack of mobility really and they're exceptionally tight. Along with that I have tight/short adductors. Been working on both quite religiously and it seems to be working :)

Things went well tonight (post a video tomorrow) and I tried a wider grip which worked alright actually.
Tuesday 30th Sept: Legs
Squats: 65kg x 5,5,5,5,5
-Singles: 70kg, 80kg, 90kg
Front squats: 65kg x 5, 70kg x 5,5,5,5
-Singles: 80kg, 90kg
Standing calve raise s/s (seated calve raises): 30kg x 15,15,15 (20kg x 15,15,15)

Not bad, spent lunchtime doing some hip mobility and did a bit before training, seemed to help :)

Worked on my ankles at lunch yesterday also, this seems to help with my ankle turning in at the bottom of the repmso its something I need to work on also.

So far:
Shoulder mobility
Back stuff
Hip stuff
Ankle stuff
General leg stuff
Oh and chest stuff

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Different mobility anyway, IVE been led to believe you shouldn't do TOO much mobility prior to training....I usually work on my adductors and hips a bit but doing the session at !lunch appears to help a little bit! If anything provide me with some more time to wokrkon some issues.
Thursday 2nd October: PP and snatch
PP: 45kg x 6, 42.5kg x 8, 6, 40kg x 8
OHP: 30KG x 8,8,8
OH.Squat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3, 40kg x 3,3
Snatch: 40kg x 1F1, 45kg x F1, FFFF1, F1, 50kg x 1, F1 - 50kg PB :D
Face pull (seated): N8 x 15,15,15

Hnnnnng! Awesome. PP didn't quite go according to plan as I leaned back a bit too far,not sure what happened but happy to be repping 45kg. Increase in OHP this week which is good.

OH.Squat: felt good this week, managed two sets of 40kg which I'm happy about.

Snatch: managed to get so e help from a handsome bro half way through, tweaked a few things such as positioning and ques and it helped no end so I'm dead happy :) finally hit the yellow bumpers :D Need to work on the technique a bit and drill it in then weight should increase hopefully.

Point to note, the video is long and there are buts in the middle you may want to skip as its me and the other bro talking.
Friday 3rd October: Back - Ed Coan Week 4
Deads(90%): 1 x 2 x 170kg
Speed deads(75%): 5 x 3 x 142.5kg

Circuit 1:
Snatch grip RDL: 3 x 8 x 82.5kg
BOR: 3 x 8 x 72.5kg

Circuit 2:
Underhand lat pull down: 3 x 8 x N9
Good morning: 3 x 8 x 45kg

Noice. So, managed 170kg x 2, little bit ropey, there's a jerk on the second rep as it didn't feel like I locked out properly. 142.5kg sets went well, amusing as some fly up and others felt slowler purely due to a degree of difference on where the bar sat, need to find the sweet spot :cool:

Circuits, still lovely, RDLs felt heavy but good, rows good also. Pull downs started off heavy then felt better, GMs I need to increase the weight.

Introducing the power shrugs next week which will be interesting, then the circuits change in terms of reps.

Week 5

Deadlift (80%): 3x3 @ 152.5 kg
Speed deadlift (65%): 3x3 @ 122.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (60% of current): 3x5 @ 105 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x5
Bent over row: 3x5
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 3x5
Arched back good morning: 3x5
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Thanks bru's

Monday 6th October: Chest
Bench: 67.5kg x 8, 6+1 assist, 65kg x 6+1 assist
Flat dB bench: 28's x 8, 26's x 8,8
Inc. DB bench: 24's x 7, 22's x 8, 20's x 8
Straight bar pushdown: n8 x 15,15, n7 x 15
S/s with
Single rope pull: n2 x 15, n1 x 15, 15

Some rc band stuff.

I thought the session went badly as I felt weak, but looking at the numbers its not too shabby :) Current bench 1rm is 75kg, so hopefully be able to break that.
Yeah when I think back to June last year when I couldn't bench the bar without pain I can't really moan!

The shoulder is bearable, currently doing lots of pec stretching and RC strengthening/actually using it stuff. Slowly but surely its improving, just need to keep on top of it :)

Hopefully this time next year it will be even better but I don't think it will ever be 100%.
Tuesday 7th October: Legs
Squats: 5 x 5 x 67.5kg
-singles: 80,90100 (right knee felt really odd/pressured here)
Front squats: 70x5, 72.5 x 5,5,5,5
-singles: 80,90
Standing calve raise: 40kg x 15,15,15
Seated calve raise: 30kg x 15,15,15

Back squats felt good minus the 100kg, did some hip opener stuff again.
Weirdly my front squats are feeling different since improving my back squat.....arrrgh


Thursday 9th October: Shoulders/Snatch
PP: 45kg x 8,6, 42.5kg x 6
Ohp: 32.5kg x 8,8, 35kg x 8
OHSquat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3, 40kg x 3, F, 3
Snatch: 40kg x 3, 50kg x FF,F,F, 40kg x FF1, 3, 50kg x FF
facepull: n9 x 15,15,15

Well, snatch was terrible today, no strength, same with squats, wobbly.

PP, got told to get my elbows under the bar, suddenly able to press more....just need to play with the grip and stuff.

Nice work Delvis!

Is it me but when you front squat do I notice difficulty keeping your knees jammed out wide and beyond the line of your feet? They appear to get sucked in on the way up? Is that medial hamstring tightness or similar?
? No idea and I'll never know.

Tight adductors, tight hips, tight everything. I try and deal with it how I can :(
Friday 10th October: Back - Ed Coan Week 5
Deads(80%): 3 x 3 x 152.5kg
Speed deads(65%): 3 x 3 x 122.5kg
Power shrugs(60%): 3 x 5 x 105kg

Snatch grip RDL: 3 x 5 x 90kg
BOR: 5 x 75kg, 5 x 77.5kg, 5 x 80kg
Underhand lat pull down: 3 x 5 x n10
Good morning: 5 x 50kg, 2 x 5 x 52.5kg

So week five, things change up now and its essentially another week of the above (higher weights) then I'll be ramping up to 170kg again then surpass it.

The accessory exercises are no longer in a circuit either. Power shrugs are weird.

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