Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Yep, flick it up to my shoulders, that isn't the problem :)
It's physically pushing them up from that position to the top, after that I can rep away.
Tuesday 9th December: Legs
Front squat:
-65kg x 5, 5
-75kg x 4, 4
-80kg x 3, 3

Offset deficit split squats:
3 x 10 x 24kg

V-Squat: 3 x 12 x 77.5kg

Meh. Squats terrible today, lumbar was all over the place, bar path was pretty crap...Just odd.

Split squats, balance is getting better, should be able to increase the weight next week.

V-Squat: usual horribleness...Only 'issue' I'm having is as every rep progresses, my shoulders slide back on the pad...scared I'm going to fall off one day :D
So, 2015 it is, the year of gainzzz

Plans for this year:
  1. Potentially reach 100kg bw
  2. Bench 100kg
  3. Learn to squat again and start squatting proper numbers
  4. Continue with deadlift gainz and get 200kg

To start off the year I've gone in and just lifted some shizzle, this week I'm amending all primary movements to be strength focussed. Going on from this week I'm going to do a 8 week back on it cycle, the reps etc and general plan will be different for each movement.

Following on, I will switch to an ed Coan cycle for deadlifts again as I enjoyed that, everything else will either be strength focussed or I'll switch to size gains.

Which brings me to another thing, I'll probably start cutting February / march ready for an holiday in May, primarily so I can fit in to existing suit for a wedding.

So, basically, I'm after gainz, and they have no where to hide.
Shan't write up last weeks stuff, it was a mish mash of lifting to aclimatize myself.

Monday 12th January: Chest
Bench: 70kg x 5,,5,5
Flat dB: 26's x 8,12,10
Inc. DB: 20's x 8, 22's x 8,10

OH triceps ext. With ez-bar: x10, 10kg x 12,12,12
Tris and bis

So, switched to fives to see what numbers I can push, bench did feel great on the first set but it improved as I went on. Flat dB was annoying purely because the 28s were being used. Incline, just keep hammering it.

All in all, pleased.
Tuesday 13th January: Legs
Front squat:
-62.5kg x 5, 5
-67.5kg x 4, 4
-70kg x 3, 3

Offset deficit split squat:
18kg x 8,8,8

70kg x 12, 12, 12

So, squats felt tasty today, no major pain s other than one blip I think, got severely destroyed by everything else and left shattered.

Roll on this morning and my right knee doesn't feel amazing, just lots of pressure around it, pain above the knee cap, driving reasonably uncomfortable. I just don't think I should bother squatting sometimes.

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Thursday 15th January: Snatch/shoulders
Snatch pull: bar x some, some
Hang power snatch: 30kg x 3,3, 40kg x 3
Power snatch: 40kg x 1f1, 45kg x f1, 2, 2f, 40kg x 3

Push press: 40kg x 8, 5+3, 8
OHP: 25kg x 12, 10, 10
Face pull: n7 x 15,15,15

Not bad today, bit weak, just plow on through :)
Friday 16th January: Back
Deads: 140 x 1, 160 x 1, 175 x 1, 185 x 1
-150kg x 5, 5, 145kg x 5

BOR: 75kg x 12, 70kg x 12, 60kg x 12

U/H Lat pulldown: N9 x 8, N8 x 8,8

RDL: 90kg x 8,8,8

Well, that was harder than I was expecting....possibly because of the 185 single :D but never mind, that felt comfortable. I'll go in this Friday and see how everything feels and adjust numbers from there.
Monday 19th January: Chest
-Bench: 72.5kg x 5,5,5
-Flat DB Bench: 28's x 8,8,8
-Inc. DB Bench: 22's x 10,10,9
-O/H Tricep Ext. with EZ Bar: 12.5kg x 12,12,12

Not bad, felt a little weak but could have grinded a couple of extra reps on bench but I'm doing slow progression at the moment.

This is week two, and next week I'll be on to my current max (75kg), so that's awesome.
Tuesday 20th January: Legs
-Front Squat: 65kg x 5,5. 70kg x 4,4. 72.5kg x3,3.
-Deficit offset split squat: 20kg x 8,8,8.
-V-Squat: 72.5kg x 12,12,12.

-Hang leg raises: 8,8,8.

Well, that was horrible. Have some weird twinge in my back at the moment, particularly on the left side towards the lumar so this impacted things somewhat...Annoying as the actual weight felt okay, felt a bit odd on some reps but I think it was a bit of tightness and me not being able to front rack properly.

On to next week!

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are you doing a wendler type programme at the moment?

Nope, completely custom atm.

Bench I was just following 3x8 last year which rolled in to 3x6, now I'm doing 3x5 for 5 weeks followed by 3x3 for 3 weeks to get dat strength up.

Squats I'm doing 5,5,4,4,3,3 with increasing weight. Although I'm not back squatting at the moment. I then do some single leg work to work on some imbalances.

Shoulder day....I snatch, then do push press although I may start introducing more strict press, however if push press works, then why change it?

Deadlifts are similar to my bench, 5 weeks of 5's, then 3 weeks of 3's however I'm primarily working on speed off the floor, after this I'll probably do another philipe/coan cycle because I enjoyed that and hopefully hit 200kg :)

Tl;dr: No :p
:D Looks like it's working, well done :)

Can't see me ever hitting 200 dl, my dodgy back is protesting after yesterdays effort
Thursday 22nd January: Snatch / Shoulders
-Snatch pulls: bar x some,some, 30kg x some.
-Hang power snatch: 30kg x 3,3, 40kg x 3.
-Power snatch: 40kg x 3, 45kg x 3, 50kg x 1,1,1, 45kg x 3,3,3.
-Push press thing: 42.5kg x 8, 45kg x 7(Failed 8), 42.5kg x 8.
-OHP: 30kg x 12,12,10.
-Facepull: N8 x 15, n7 x 15,15.

Hnnnng, 50kg snatches felt so much easier this week, onwards and upwards, still need to drill in technique.

Rear delts felt amazing after this, really trying to engage the correct muscles on face pulls, which is helping :)


Friday 23rd January: Back
-Deads: 155kg x 5, 152.5kg x 5, 150kg x 5.
-BOR: 75kg x 12, 70kg x 12, 65kg x 12.
-U/H Lat pulldown: N9 x 8, 8, N8 x 8.
-RDL: 95kg x 8,8,8
-Seated cable row (narrow): 40kg x 12,12,12

Deadlifts, didn't feel great at all, there is some flexion in the spine but nothing mad, yet this is where my discomfort is usually...Spoke to some bro's and they generally look fine other than that...

Plan is to hammer core work, start simple and work up to more advanced core techniques, also going to try and work the deeper muscles via breathing exercises etc.

It's annoying, as I can lift the weight, just it feels horrible, yet looks generally fine.

Monday 26th January: Chest
-Bench: 75kg x 5, 5, 5.
-Flat DB bench: 30s x 8, 8, 28's x 6+4.
-Inc. DB bench: 24's x 8, 8, 8.
-O/H tricep ext. With EZ-bar: +15kg x 12,12,12.
-Hanging leg raises: 10,10,10.

Oh yes! Bench peebs, 1rm smash, evertinnnngg! Really happy with that, 75kg was a 1rm 6 months or so ago so I'm happy with that.

Happy to be on 30kg dB's again also, just need to improve the incline.

Only thing annoying me is the gym only has one dedicated bench now, which wasn't a problem, however all of a sudden everyone wants to use it so I'm having to wait around a bit. Contemplated doing some core work but not sure if that will bork things.

-Hanging leg raises: 10,10,10.

Contemplated doing some core work but not sure if that will bork things.

Worries about core work ruining things. Does core work. Teehee :p .

Providing you don't go mad with the core work to begin with then you should be fine. Just introduce something easy to begin with and work on it over the following weeks.
I meant before the workout, I.e. prior to bench, or squats, or anything...purely because of waiting for 15 mins :)
So,forgot to log last week, so I'll post videos.

Tuesday 27th Jan:
Front Squats: 67.5 x 5,5, 72.5 x 4,4, 75 x 3,3
Split squats then v-squat, finished with pallor press.

Thursday 29th Jan:
Power snatches: 40 x 1, 45 x 1, 50 x 1, f, 1, 45 x ff, 3, 2 then f
Then some high snatches push press, ohp, face pulls.

Friday 30th Jan:
Deads: 155 x 5,5, 152.5 x 5
Bors @75, rdls@ 100, u/h lat pulldown, seated cable row.

Deads didn't feel great, I'm going to play with the trap bar next week, see if it alleviates some pressure I'm getting.


Monday 2nd February : chest
-Bench: 77.5kg x 5,5,5
-dB bench: 32's x 8, 30's x 7(f 8), 28's x 8
-Inc. DB bench: 26's x 8, 24's x 8,8
-o/h triceps ext. With ez bar: +17.5kg x 14, +15kg x 13, +10kg x 15

Awesome.happy with that, think I'm down to 3's next week for bench so hoping 80 is kept speedy. :)

Sad times though, benching more than I squat :( primarily as I get issues with squats with regards to pain and / or actual strength.
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