Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

I don't own one to know really, that and one should be able to control their core before slapping a belt on to it, particularly for rep work.

My back gets aggravated doing a lot of things, including deadlifts...which is annoying. I'd have thought its quite common to get back pain from squats with regards to how much some peoples lumbars can move? But I dunno. Just working with what I can currently :)

I've been getting more back pain doing squats recently but my form have basically been shot to crap, I did a session with Adipowers and found I didn't have the usual pain so not sure if that helped with positioning etc?

You assume you are messing around with form?
My squats have shot up since using oly shoes and are generally much more comfortable and natural feeling movement, well worth the cash for that alone.
I have Oly shoes and use them :) for high bar and front squats.

Wozza: I've never got on with squats, and only really brushed the surface at 100kg squats a couple of years ago and never really got back to that stage....just can't find a way to move that 1) is best for my body lengths and levers and 2) which doesn't cause issues in some other way...hence sticking to front squats for a while but even they're causomg problems lately.

I may introduce back squats again slowly, just need to play it by ear.
Sacked legs off today, back has been a git allllllll day, so just doing lots of stretching instead. My shoulder also appears to be being naff today as a result of Monday, so I'll have to see how this recovers for next Monday.

As it stands, I need to take a long look at my training and what I want at the moment, my back is becoming increasingly more and more annoying, so I may very well take a few weeks off anything 'heavy'.
So, not been in since Monday. On the plus side my shoulders better after some internal rotation work.

More than likely taking next week off, its annoying as I'll be taking a step back but I need to take the time off to figure out what is wrong with my back, it should help out in the long run.
Saw a physio multiple times last year, spent a good few hundred quid. Would like to continue but I don't have the funds.
Been almost two weeks off, dem feels :(

Probably go in today for a few hours and work on the usual back stuff I've been doing for the past week and hip work...and shoulder work...and anything else.

May then do some basic movements and see how it all feels with lighter loads, may give deads a miss.
So, plan of action, continue with my usual chest and shoulder days. For my leg and back days I will be doing the following:

Back extensions/good mornings: 3x12
Single leg groiners: 2x6 (per leg)
Glute bridge: 2x5
Deadbugs: 3x6 (per leg)

RDL (5-4-1): 3x8
BACK SQUAT (5-4-1): 2x12
DBSS : 3x10

Yeah, bit weird but the plan is to build up from there slowly then all being well I'll be a sexy beast. Numbers in brackets are timings, so 5 down, 4 pause, 1 up.

Along with the above, I'll be doing work on my back which basically involves moving my back through its range of motion with a braced core, this involves encouraging rounding/stretching my lumbar in its end position BUT under control and braced, with very light weights. The assumption is my ql/erectors are in spasm and not properly healing.

So far the above is helping I believe, I just need to keep on top of it. Its going to be so annoying and taking me back a step but long term it should be worth it, it may also be something I need to cycle in every so often.
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Started up this week, benched on Monday, 60kg for 5,5,5, felt nice.

Did some stretching today instead of my new back rehab thing, didn't seem to help and have an annoying spasm in my mid/lower back at the moment :(

Found out doing dead bugs with my right leg leading seems to spine / feels like something is pulling on it....

I just want to lift fgs :(
Few random work outs going on, benched last week, did some light snatch work.

Monday this week:

Bench: 62.5kg x 5,5,6
DB bench: 28s x 8, 26s x 8,8
inc. db bench: 24s x 10,10,10
EZ Bar O/H ext: +10kg x 12,12,14
O/H rope pull: N4 x 15,15, N3 x 15.
Straight bar pushdown: N5 x 15,15,15

Bench I'm pleased with, just need to work back up again.

Tuesday was more rehab based stuff for my back and learning to move again. Numbers in brackets show time for negatives/pause/positives.

RDL (5-4-1): 40kg x 8,8,8
Squats (5-4-1): 30kg x 12,12
Offset deficit split squats: 16kg x 10,10,10
Single leg deadlift: Bar x 5, 30kg x 5,5.

So yeah, light weight on the squats, essentially I'm learning to actually brace properly to avoid movement in my lumbar - This week was much better than last week and the plan is to do 60kg on Friday and see how it feels. In short, if I get any sort of pain during the movement, just don't do it.

Single leg deadlifts are odd, I think I have the nack of them now...
Updates y0

Thursday 5th March: Snatch stuff
-WU: Usual gubbins
-Snatch pulls: Bar x some, some
-OH Squats: Bar x 5, 30 x 5
-Snatch balance: Bar x F, 2/3?, 3
-Hang power snatch: 30 x 3, 40 x 1
-High hang power snatch: 40 x 3, 42.5 x 3,3
-Full snatch: 30kg x 3, 40kg x F, 1,1, F, 1 - :D
-Face pulls: N5 x 15, N4 x 15,15
-Shoulder stuff: woops...

So yeah, reasonably happy with the workout, hate hate HATE working on that platform though, it's just terrible. Managed some full snatches at 40kg which I'm happy about, just need to make sure my lumbar doesn't have a fit.

in my excitement of the session I completely forgot to do some pressing.

Friday 6th March: rehab thang
-WU: usual
-RDL - (5-4-1): 42.5kg x 8, 8, 8(s)
-Squats - (5-4-1): 60kg x 7, 8 - meant to be doing 8's, miss counted.
-Offset deficit split squats: 18kg x 10,10,10
-Single leg Deads: 40kg x 5,5,5 - still odd

All in all I'm pleased with this session, just need to keep hammering my tight areas and go from there.

Benny noticed I let my knees travel when I squat (high bar) at the bottom position, so I tried not doing it so much this session - End result is, my lumbar rounds unless I can get my knees out a lot more which is quite hard for me. Speaking of letting my knees travel a bit it's not necessarily bad and it may just be what works for me, my plan is to squat how I find most comfortable at the moment and just be mindful of not pressing at the bottom from my toes. Essentially I'll see how it goes tonight and go from there.

Saying all that, lumbar movement is not that bad this week and is generally better compared to previous sessions, just need to remember to continue with the new bracing technique.

Monday 9th March: Chest gubbins
-WU: usual
-Bench: 65kg x 5,5,5
-DB bench: 28's x 8,8,8
-Inc. DB bench: 26's x 10, 8, 24's x 8
-EZ-Bar O/H ext.: +12.5kg x 12,12,12
-Straight bar push down: 20kg x 15, 15kg x 12, 10kg x 15

Bench still going well, bit of a tiff later in the evening, just need to mobilise it a bit I think. Flat db was the usual, felt alright. Incline annoyed the hell out of me as the other benches where in use so had to use the wobbly bench, which is just naff.
Tuesday 10th March: Leg stuff / back rehab
-WU: usual
-RDL (5-4-1):
45kg x 8,8,8(s)
65kg x 8,8 - lawd, going to pass out soon.
-Offset deficit split squats:
20kg x 10,10,10
-Single leg deadlift:
45kg x 5,5,5

Not bad, still bracing as much as I can, issue now is I'm running out of air so need to find a way to brace nicely without passing out :D

Split squats, usual loveliness. RDLs, nom. Single leg deadlifts, not so keen on this, think I'm twisting my back a bit just due to how my legs are and how they come out of my hips, so may amend these.
Re the bracing, I'm recently taken to taking gulps of air till I feel 'full' instead of a single 'swallow' :D maybe give that a try?
Some videos from last week:

Just couldn't get full snatch to work properly for a while at 40kg, then bit the bullet and just dropped under it :D Need to remember to really force my head through otherwise I catch it with the bar in front of my head, which obviously doesn't work.

Squats tonight again, hnnnnngpassout.jpeg
Monday 16th March: Chest
-67.5kg x 5,5,5

DB Bench:
-28's x 10,10,8

Inc.DB Bench:
-26's x 9
-24's x 6 - lol
-22's x 10

Rope pull down:
-10kg x 15,15,15

O/H Rope push:
-N5 x 15,15
-N4 x 15

Well, Bench felt okay, everything afterwards just felt heavy and annoyingly the 30's where in use so had to use the 28's. I struggle so much with incline as well, it's annoying =/

Tuesday 17th March: Squats and rehab
RDL (5-4-1)
-50kg x 8,8,8

Squats (5-4-1)
-70kg x 8,8

Deficit offset split squat:
-24kg x 10,10,10

Single leg deadlift:
-52.5kg x 5,5,5

Squats felt nice, usual 'body wants to pass out' issue. Split squats okay, only a couple of wobbles. Deadlifts...Just meh, could not get it right for a while (Balance that is) - I'm pretty certain when on my right leg I'm twisting somewhat, its hard to explain.

So, stuff happened:

New Snatch PB - 50kg - :) Really happy with that, considering I've only been full snatching for a while (previous are all Power Snatches, PB for that is 52.5kg) this all feels awesome.
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