** der8auer CPU Tools and Accessories **



8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Today we are proud to announce the exclusive launch of the der8auer and der8auer Delid-Die-Mate and der8auer Haswell OC frame.

der8auer Delid-Die-Mate @ £62.99 inc VAT


Designed and developed by top overclocker 'der8auer', the der8auer Delid-Die-Mate is the ultimate tool for safely removing the Integrated Heat Sink or IHS from a CPU.

The Vice method has been the preferred method for CPU lid removal since the introduction of thermal paste into Intel CPU die contacts. With the advent of Skylake CPUs, many users have found that performance gains were huge when delidding the CPU and either reapplying a performance thermal interface material or running the CPU with the cooler directly on the die.

The problem with the newer style Skylake CPUs is that the PCB is so thin that you run the risk of damaging your expensive CPU by attempting to remove the IHS.

Many enthusiasts have started using razorblades to remove the lid of their CPU but this has a lot of dangers of its own. After spending time and money finding a top performing CPU, world class overclockers cannot afford to risk damaging a record breaking CPU by removing the IHS.

The der8auer Delid-Die-Mate simplifies this process and removes all risk of damaging your CPU.
The tool is two precision milled blocks that clamp together around the CPU with even force distribution that locks the CPU in place safely. By turning the screw on the back of the device, the lid of the CPU is pushed steadily away from the PCB with no risk of damage to your expensive performance CPU.

The der8auer Delid-Die-Mate has indicators for Skylake, Ivy Bridge, Haswell and Devils Canyon CPU types.

Only £62.99 inc VAT.


der8auer Haswell OC frame @ £27.95 inc VAT


Roman "der8auer" Hartung is a young mechatronics student, hardware enthusiast and professional overclocker from Germany.

Despite his relatively young age for many years in the extreme overclocking scene active and has already established numerous pioneering world records at this time.

The der8auer Haswell OC frame clamps a delidded CPU in place on the motherboard and also makes the socket surround level with the surface of the die to distribute force evenly and protect your performance CPU

*** Important warning! *** The removal of the CPU heatspreader at your own risk and causes the complete loss of warranty and guarantee from the manufacturer.

Only £27.95 inc VAT.

Would be nice to see a lil vid of this in action, prob make a nice addition to your youtube channel as well seeing as it's something shiny & new :)
funny you mention that

de8auer did one himself :)

edit - beaten to it by Smrtka the keeno!
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Few of us should chip in for one and share it about. Something like the mechanical switch tester that's done in the peripherals section.
Aww man, i was hoping they was going to be cheaper than this. £30 ish quid or something.
£40 tops but up above £60 is just not what i wana pay.

Might be worth consider buying it and seeing if trust worth people would consider paying postage + a couple of quid to use and hopefully they will send it back? Or if some one else does it id be happy to pay postage and a few quid to use but Members market access is necessary for this to happen for example.
Quite agree, it was suggested in the original thread about this tool. It's way too much money for one person to buy and use it once or twice unless they are binning cpu's but if enough people chip in a couple of quid each we could have a forum tool that does the rounds.
I think the idea of a loan system of some type is a good idea.
Obviously, the trust system would need to be used & cost of postage covered but it's something I'd certainly be interested in looking into.
The delid tool is simply great. Really working well and making sure no damage to your golden CPUs.
It's nice for noobs like me who wouldn't want to risk damaging their CPU but it's a bit expensive for something you're only going to use only a handful of times at most.
Aww man, i was hoping they was going to be cheaper than this. £30 ish quid or something.
£40 tops but up above £60 is just not what i wana pay.

you need to remember a few things here.

First of all, these are manufactured in very small quantities. de8auer has these produced himself and the cost to manufacture due to the specialist/niche nature of this is very high.

Whilst this seems like a huge amount of money to some, considering it removes all risk compared to every alternative delidding method it is a relatively small price to pay.

For someone looking to delid one CPU, sure, its a lot.
but for people who bench and buy loads of chips, you dont want to run the risk of killing a cherry picked cpu and £60 is nothing when it takes that risk away.

in the grand scheme of things, £60 is a small amount of money compared to most stuff we have for sale.
no as an intel master partner we are not allowed to offer modified processors at retail.

if an end user does this then we have no control over it.
I'd personally just put up with the higher temps and keep my warranty than delid. Each to their own i guess.

If the CPU dies within 3 years of purchase it's covered by Intel's warranty anyway. :p
Something people might do is buy one, use it and then send it back within the 14 days. I know DSR is no longer a thing but the new scheme still allows people to get most if not all of there money back.

I won't be doing this of course :D
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