** der8auer CPU Tools and Accessories **

Love this idea and will probably look into it once my 4790k reaches end of warranty! Be good to see what my chip can really do as it has already hit 5ghz at relatively low volts...
Not sure whether OCUK would like the idea of one being shared around the forum.........

Aww just hit it with a mallet and have done with it........
Not sure whether OCUK would like the idea of one being shared around the forum.........

I really don't care in honesty.

We are a business, but we are a community too.

If you want to grab one and arrange for people to borrow it then we would encourage it for established members.

What will not be allowed is any trading outside the MM or group buys of a product.

other than that, go wild. you have my blessing. :p
I mean one I already own, or can't you do that either? You'd effectively just be offering the use of the tool.

we are not able to offer a service that involves permanent physical alterations to an intel processor as part of our partnership agreement.
I see Caseking has some in stock now, how many are OCUK getting?, has he made more than the initial first twenty?.

our stock will be here in 7-10 days

What happened to 80 euros for 20 pieces like der8auer said

I dont know where he has said that.

80euros for 20pcs is 4euros/pcs

looking at our cost price, they are about as far from 4 euros as you can reasonably get. so im not sure what thats about.
what performance increase would you get from skylake from delidding any idea's. Never liked the idea of delidding before but it definitely looks like a useful tool.
Quite tempted by this, I've never delidded and love to know how far my 3770k can go, I already know it can be pushed to 5GHz comfortably on a H100 cooler.
it appears to be a great tool and takes away a lot of risk associated with de-liding. But the price is steep and you cannot justify it for a single time use.
the way to look at it is this:

Can you afford to replace a £350+ if you **** up the delidding process?

Can you afford £60 in addition to your £350+ CPU to guarantee you wont **** up the delidding process?
Can you afford £60 in addition to your £350+ CPU to guarantee you wont **** up the delidding process?

The problem is that you aren't actually guaranteeing it, there's a specific disclaimer in the first post about it.
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