** der8auer CPU Tools and Accessories **

we have a bunch more on the way. these things sell out quick so pre order is highly recommended

Got it done, force required was obscene, also some shaving from the unit came out from the bit you tighten and there is a kind of dent left on the unit above the delid screw bit.

Also the screw hole you tighten to delid is bulging out now, i don't think it moved like it should have, doubt i would try another cpu with it, what do other people think?.

Would this be grounds for a return?, i did use it correctly.

I had no problems with my temps before on my 4790k before but i was curious to try it anyway.

Only had time for 15 min runs - this is before delid after 15 mins of realbench.

Cpu @ 1.32v 4.8

And after.
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I bought one Wednesday night after the last lot sold out mega quick and I felt instant regret not going one, then one random one popped up for sale lol.

No Haribo :(

Need to get the last bits for my WC build, then I'm good to go.

I know its a lot of money. But I killed my 3570k deliding it. Luckily, that was a ****. This 4790k is a pretty nice one, so theres no way in hell I'm killing this one, yet I cant stand by seeing it being temp limited lol.

edit, word begins with t, rhymes with herd gets stared out? ok then...

Got it done, force required was obscene, also some shaving from the unit came out from the bit you tighten and there is a kind of dent left on the unit above the delid screw bit.

Also the screw hole you tighten to delid is bulging out now, i don't think it moved like it should have, doubt i would try another cpu with it, what do other people think?.

Would this be grounds for a return?, i did use it correctly.

I had no problems with my temps before on my 4790k before but i was curious to try it anyway.

Only had time for 15 min runs - this is before delid after 15 mins of realbench.

Cpu @ 1.32v 4.8

And after.

I delidded like 20 CPU + no issues. I would not worry about any of this stuff.

Obscene force man!! No way you need to get in the gym!! its nowt but a tickle required!!
You see the marks left on the tool?, have you seen that before?.

It was a silly amount of force needed, i was 100% sure the cpu was knackered.
What so someone who orders it on the 7 of Jan gets it before someone who preordered on the 23rd of November...... OK then. Are you taking the ****?
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This shows a bit better, shouldn't look like that i'm sure.

That's the bit that moves forward and does the delidding and because that plastic is sticking out now it doesn't sit flush like it should.

Maybe i should return it then.

Caseking have some in stock for anyone interested.
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I checked it with one of my tools today and this happens if you keep screwing after the CPU is already delidded.
The IHS can only move 2 mm inside the tool to protect the CPU. So if you keep turning the screw after delidding the CPU, it will build up a lot of pressure between the slider and the IHS. That's why you have to keep track of the IHS through the small window.
Out of interest what paste did you use for the die to ihs after the delid for those temps?

CLU on the die and Kryonaut

And what difference has it made to your overclock?

Not changed it.

I checked it with one of my tools today and this happens if you keep screwing after the CPU is already delidded.
The IHS can only move 2 mm inside the tool to protect the CPU. So if you keep turning the screw after delidding the CPU, it will build up a lot of pressure between the slider and the IHS. That's why you have to keep track of the IHS through the small window.

So i should or shouldn't send back?, i stopped as soon as i heard the click.
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I think the tool is totally fine. Roman of course should answer but the CPU cant be damaged as its clamped in a safe way and IHS can't be pushed over the die.
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