Has the prosecution proved *beyond a reasonable doubt* that GF didn't die from the drugs in his system?
Prosecution expert medical witness (pathologist) currently under cross examination by the defence surrounding the condition of George Floyd's heart, she was asked a hypothetical question:
"If you found Mr Floyd dead in his residence, alone, without any police, drugs or other circumstances, what would you rule to be the cause of death" and her answer was "due to his heart disease"
Prosecution expert medical witness (pathologist) currently under cross examination by the defence surrounding the condition of George Floyd's heart, she was asked a hypothetical question:
"If you found Mr Floyd dead in his residence, alone, without any police, drugs or other circumstances, what would you rule to be the cause of death" and her answer was "due to his heart disease"
Guy who did the autopsy has commented something similar btw... albeit with drugs.
Will certainly be interesting to see the medical experts the defence brings in.
I posted in a Facebook BBC thread earlier saying unless it's premeditated and beyond reasonable doubt it has to be manslaughter.
Literally got 80 comments I was a Nazi, racist etc etc.
This is the best press hijacking since..... Ever maybe?
How strong does a possible cause of death need to be before a relevant expert will rule it as the cause of death rather than stating that the cause of death is unknown?
Not sure - though the medical examiner who did the autopsy is on the stand currently, could be some interesting updates from that (though haven't watched nor have time to watch all of it).
Also testified he has certified people as dying from the same physiological conditions as found in Floyd. And that the part of the heart that regulates your heartbeat electrically was on the side with the 90% constriction.
Ouch. Prosecutions coroner just testified he has 75% in the first and 90% of the second narrowing of the arteries, and that anything over 75% is considered small enough to cause sudden death.
Probably nervous for his safety after giving evidence in support of Chauvin.Maybe its just me, but I thought that guy looked very much on edge the whole time.
The defense is flying right now, just got the coroner to testify that he has certified deaths of fentanyl as low as 3mg and even lower when interacting with other drugs. (floyd had 11mg for reference with meth).