Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note

It was the counterfeit money that got the police involved to start off, him resisting arrest, excessive drug consumption and generally being an idiot that ultimately lead to his demise.

3 Officers pinning him to the floor while well within their legal rights to do based on the above alone, were in no way the primary reason for his death. Infact of the list of many possible explanations that is near the bottom if its even on the list to start with. How else could explain the complete lack of trauma/bruising on his back/neck if DC was apparently crushing his wind pipe/chest/lungs etc preventing him from breathing, but he was still able to talk/shout, heres a hint, if you can't breath you cant talk.

Monday will see him not guilty or a mistrial, I wouldn't be surprised if a mistrail is the outcome a new case is bought on manslaughter by negligence, even then a conviction might be tough.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you? He wasn’t a mass murderer on a shooting spree, he didn’t rob a bank with an AR15, he passed a counterfeit bill. Because I certainly think the Officer massively overreacted, had a distinct lack of concern, did not take his duty of care in any way seriously and even when paramedics were on scene he still didn’t remove his knee from his neck despite there being no pulse. All while GF was face down and handcuffed. To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.

If he was innocent he had nothing to fear from being arrested and providing further evidence through questioning and his possessions being searched. The store manager claimed he had more than the one note in the full body cam footage, but whether the rest were found to also be counterfeit I don't know. I don't think you can fully put it on the officer either since they have a right to protect themselves against someone who was resisting arrest. As I said it sadly ended the way it did but he had ample opportunity to comply. It really rests on whether the officer knowingly ended his life and used undue force or was it an unfortunate consequence to a poor choice of restraint that either shouldn't be taught or used, or only in the most extreme of cases. Either way it could have been avoided if GF had cooperated. GF didn't seem to be behaving in a rational manner so I wonder if he was under the influence of drugs or mental disorder. I think in such cases it would have been better if he could have been detained face against a wall or vehicle and given a mild sedative from a medic. I don't know if that could have been a possibility, I suspect probably not at that particular point. The police's hesitancy to be more forceful to get him in the vehicle probably gave GF more freedom to resist and the situation to escalate. Sometimes you got to be cruel to be kind so he should have been put in the car more decisively when he began to resist.
To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.

I think this is a fair analysis.

Ultimately, people can argue over the cause of death; did the drugs or heart condition cause death, or was it the knee?

In the end, it seems reasonably clear to me that the police caused the death of GF, either directly (the knee) or indirectly (pushing his already broken body over the limit)

I think (based on what I’ve seen) manslaughter 2 is a fair charge and he’s probably guilty of it.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you? He wasn’t a mass murderer on a shooting spree, he didn’t rob a bank with an AR15, he passed a counterfeit bill. Because I certainly think the Officer massively overreacted, had a distinct lack of concern, did not take his duty of care in any way seriously and even when paramedics were on scene he still didn’t remove his knee from his neck despite there being no pulse. All while GF was face down and handcuffed. To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.

This^^ but you are banging your head against a brick wall in here.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you?

That's not an accurate description of what happened. It's propaganda. Using it undermines any point you make unless promoting a false narrative for political reasons is your intention.
Thought not ;)

But you follow things about other people killed by white police....strange

I am disappointed every time the police get heavy handed and shoot first/kneel first and ask questions later regardless of skin colour. So yeah, if a white guy is killed when it was unnecessary then people should be outraged. I'm sure lots are. You like to completely ignore the US relatively recent history with institutional racism and the use of the police to enforce it. I shouldn't be surprised with your personal political views though. Its all about white with you.
But if he wasn't off his chops on smack then the police would not have HAD to get involved and then he would have lived. It is ultimately his poor decisions that led to his demise.

And then some.

His toxicology report found:

  1. Fentanyl 11ng/mL
  2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
  3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
  4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
  5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL
  6. Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL
  7. Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
  8. Cotinine positive
  9. Caffeine positive
  10. Blood volatiles: Negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol or acetone
  11. Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
  12. Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL
The autopsy lists the following natural diseases for George Floyd:

  1. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe
  2. Hypertensive heart disease
  3. Cardiomegaly (540 g) with mild biventricular dilatation
  4. Clinical history of hypertension
  5. Left pelvic tumor
I am disappointed every time the police get heavy handed and shoot first/kneel first and ask questions later regardless of skin colour. So yeah, if a white guy is killed when it was unnecessary then people should be outraged. I'm sure lots are. You like to completely ignore the US relatively recent history with institutional racism and the use of the police to enforce it. I shouldn't be surprised with your personal political views though. Its all about white with you.

The point being that no one on the left even mentioned it.
It only happened about a day or so.

While you're here you still haven't answered this for me.

"I think everyone has heard way too many of your prophecies that failed to come true. Lets wait and see shall we."

Please post these.
That's all I needed to know.

Disingenuous in the extreme.

There was a thread here in GD I started years ago that got to many pages and pages long - 50+ i'm sure.

It was called something along the lines of "Another American Cop thread" and ultimately became about many trigger happy cops, with both white and black suspects.

I believe the thread either got closed (though I can't find it) or merged with another thread.

I'm sure @Werewolf-Admin could check.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you? He wasn’t a mass murderer on a shooting spree, he didn’t rob a bank with an AR15, he passed a counterfeit bill. Because I certainly think the Officer massively overreacted, had a distinct lack of concern, did not take his duty of care in any way seriously and even when paramedics were on scene he still didn’t remove his knee from his neck despite there being no pulse. All while GF was face down and handcuffed. To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.

He wasn't restrained by Chauvin in this manner simply for having a counterfeit note and you know it.
But if he wasn't off his chops on smack then the police would not have HAD to get involved and then he would have lived. It is ultimately his poor decisions that led to his demise.

His poor decisions nor his criminal behaviour justify him dying in police custody.

When the police detain somebody they have an implicit duty of care, if you’re harmed in their custody - they’re responsible.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you? He wasn’t a mass murderer on a shooting spree, he didn’t rob a bank with an AR15, he passed a counterfeit bill. Because I certainly think the Officer massively overreacted, had a distinct lack of concern, did not take his duty of care in any way seriously and even when paramedics were on scene he still didn’t remove his knee from his neck despite there being no pulse. All while GF was face down and handcuffed. To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.
I think you've missed the fact that he was behind the wheel of a car, and potentially about to drive it away, whilst being off his face on something.

The counterfeit bill is only part of the story. The store clerk called the cops because Floyd seemed "unable to control" his own body. The clerk thought he was drunk/wasted.

And no doubt in whatever state he was in, he was about to get back in his car and drive away - his ex testified that he was about to give her a lift.

He could easily have run somebody down, or crashed and killed everyone in the car, perhaps colliding with another vehicle in the process.
In an alternate universe, a white bell end called Floyd George dies while resisting arrest. Witnesses say he was wasted and trying to pass a fake note. Post-mortem reveals he was on drugs and not in good health. Body cam footage from the officers reveals how awkward he was and how they followed their training to restrain him. Nobody gave a ****
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