Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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His poor decisions nor his criminal behaviour justify him dying in police custody.

When the police detain somebody they have an implicit duty of care, if you’re harmed in their custody - they’re responsible.

They do, but equally they should not be expected to have a comprehensive cardiovascular knowledge as well as diagnosis ability, and the effects of illicit drugs. Oh and the telepathic ability to tell what somebody has consumed and on what level.....

and if they are telling porkies.
They do, but equally they should not be expected to have a comprehensive cardiovascular knowledge as well as diagnosis ability, and the effects of illicit drugs.

Any restraint should be proportional and safe, the problem Chauvin is going to have, is that he maintained the neck restraint long after George floyd had become unresponsive, that’s what led to his death, this is also what a number of key witnesses have testified as being dangerous, even to a healthy person.

The court is not there to decide how wasted George Floyd was on drugs, George Floyd is not on trial. It’s there to decide whether or not Derek Chauvins actions resulted in his death, if so - was it intentional or not.
So does the level of force, the restraint used and eventual death of GF for passing a counterfeit note, of which he may not have even been aware was counterfeit, sit Ok with you? He wasn’t a mass murderer on a shooting spree, he didn’t rob a bank with an AR15, he passed a counterfeit bill. Because I certainly think the Officer massively overreacted, had a distinct lack of concern, did not take his duty of care in any way seriously and even when paramedics were on scene he still didn’t remove his knee from his neck despite there being no pulse. All while GF was face down and handcuffed. To me that’s a gross dereliction of a police officers duty and while perhaps not murder is at least manslaughter.

Some of this is a tad naive, he was aware as the store came out twice to the car to try and get him to go back in and pay for his cigarettes (though granted one of these times he was dozing off due to the additional two pills he'd taken in the car). They were told that the police would be called - if you passed over a forged banknote to a shop and went to your car then were told about it by the shop would you:

A) go back into the shop and sort it out - i.e. pay for the goods, or check it was the note you handed over etc..?


B) Tell them to **** off, remain in your car and take some drugs?

The cops arrived initially to deal with the counterfeit bill issue (and were told that Floyd looked drunk) so they're dealing with an apparently drunk guy behind the wheel of a car, of course they're going to have to arrest him and take him in his was on something. His subsequent behaviour justified the rest of the initial treatment.

The question is over the later continuation of that restraint when he lost consciousness - that is where Chauvin has perhaps assaulted him or is guilty of manslaughter etc..
In an alternate universe, a white bell end called Floyd George dies while resisting arrest. Witnesses say he was wasted and trying to pass a fake note. Post-mortem reveals he was on drugs and not in good health. Body cam footage from the officers reveals how awkward he was and how they followed their training to restrain him. Nobody gave a ****

Could it be that centuries of history (Jim Crow laws weren't even that long ago either) may have an effect on perceptions and social attitudes?

Obviously I'd much prefer living a world where nobody cared as it would end the cycle of antagonism, unfortunately that isn't how humanity functions.
Could it be that centuries of history (Jim Crow laws weren't even that long ago either) may have an effect on perceptions and social attitudes?

Obviously I'd much prefer living a world where nobody cared as it would end the cycle of antagonism, unfortunately that isn't how humanity functions.

Don't really care for feels myself, the facts speak for themselves. Question is, how to end victim culture and equalise everyone?
Don't really care for feels myself, the facts speak for themselves. Question is, how to end victim culture and equalise everyone?

The establishment won't let this issue settle because it's far easier to manipulate social issues than it is to manipulate economic ones, they're losing the latter because the inequalities are growing and so are likely to lean in harder on the social divisions to keep the plebs at each others' throats instead of their own.

I suppose the black community could just capitulate and let the media onslaught fizzle itself out to make way for an actual political discussion. I'm not sure what the probability of this happening is, but I figure it's rather low as the circumstances (particularly social media's influence) make it immensely difficult. Don't really see any other way that doesn't just shift the aggression towards other groups, which will also get the same treatment.

Doubt the establishment will ever change it's tune though, maybe it might change with new money though... at least temporarily.
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The establishment won't let this issue settle because it's far easier to manipulate social issues than it is to manipulate economic ones, they're losing the latter because the inequalities are growing and so are likely to lean in harder on the social divisions to keep the plebs at each others' throats instead of their own.

I suppose the black community could just capitulate and let the media onslaught fizzle itself out to make way for an actual political discussion. I'm not sure what the probability of this happening is, but I figure it's rather low as the circumstances (particularly social media's influence) make it immensely difficult. Don't really see any other way that doesn't just shift the aggression towards other groups, which will also get the same treatment.

Doubt the establishment will ever change it's tune though, maybe it might change with new money though... at least temporarily.

Maybe the police will just do in a few more white dudes to redress the balance and make a show of it, that is the "easiest" option. As a son of immigrants (subject to British rule no less), I can see the PoV of black people. On the other hand, you just have to carve out your own way in the world. If "one of mine", whatever that means, was done in cops for being "X" or "Y" of my background while doing something illegal, I'd say **** them, they ****** up.

Where does it end though?
The point being that no one on the left even mentioned it.
It only happened about a day or so.

While you're here you still haven't answered this for me.

"I think everyone has heard way too many of your prophecies that failed to come true. Lets wait and see shall we."

Please post these.

Do you think I and others don't remember the conspiracy nonsense you used to post in the Trump Presidency thread before you were banned from SC? I'm not going to spend my time trawling back through that nonsense you used to post in there to just inflict it on this thread, GD or not.
Do you think I and others don't remember the conspiracy nonsense you used to post in the Trump Presidency thread before you were banned from SC? I'm not going to spend my time trawling back through that nonsense you used to post in there to just inflict it on this thread, GD or not.

"I'm not going to spend my time trawling back" lazy is the word...but normal for people who have hissy fits.

You posted "prophecies that failed to come true"
If you can post proof then do it.

I'm still waiting.
Could it be that centuries of history (Jim Crow laws weren't even that long ago either) may have an effect on perceptions and social attitudes?

Obviously I'd much prefer living a world where nobody cared as it would end the cycle of antagonism, unfortunately that isn't how humanity functions.

Democrats were the ones opposed to black civil rights all throughout history. Now they're the ones (with the help of media) pushing division and groups like BLM, whose founders own several multi-million dollar mansions in majority white areas, while creating movements to smash up black neighbourhoods with riots. Seriously, with all of the money BLM have raised what have they done for black communities? what have the Democrat's done for their most loyal of voting bases? every election they promise things will get better for black people if they win and it never changes. Trump had achieved record black employment in just one term and the Democrats wouldn't clap for it.

Malcolm X knew (trigger warning outdated language).

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Democrats were the ones opposed to black civil rights all throughout history. Now they're the ones (with the help of media) pushing division and groups like BLM, whose founders own several multi-million dollar mansions in majority white areas, while creating movements to smash up black neighbourhoods with riots. Seriously, with all of the money BLM have raised what have they done for black communities? what have the Democrat's done for their most loyal of voting bases? every election they promise things will get better for black people if they win and it never changes. Trump had achieved record black employment in just one term and the Democrats wouldn't clap for it.

Malcolm X knew (trigger warning outdated language).


I see that the BLM leader is loving her $1.4 home(one of 4) in a mostly WHITE neighbourhood.
Wonder who paid for that ;)
Democrats were the ones opposed to black civil rights all throughout history. Now they're the ones (with the help of media) pushing division and groups like BLM, whose founders own several multi-million dollar mansions in majority white areas, while creating movements to smash up black neighbourhoods with riots. Seriously, with all of the money BLM have raised what have they done for black communities? what have the Democrat's done for their most loyal of voting bases? every election they promise things will get better for black people if they win and it never changes. Trump had achieved record black employment in just one term and the Democrats wouldn't clap for it.

Malcolm X knew (trigger warning outdated language).

Yes the Democrats were the racists, then in they moved to the left, embraced civil rights and left southern Democrats of the old racist Democratic Party with no party. Guess who came along with their "Southern Strategy" to embrace these racists? Oh yes its the Republican Party.

I see MTG and that white supremacist sympathiser Paul Gosar have setup their America First Caucus that promotes "Anglo Saxon political traditions" aka a fog horn of a dog whistle. A move that is being condemned by their GOP colleagues. But yes its the Democrats that are the racists :rolleyes: Still posting the nonsense you used to post in the Trump Presidency thread along with deuse I see.
Maybe the police will just do in a few more white dudes to redress the balance and make a show of it, that is the "easiest" option. As a son of immigrants (subject to British rule no less), I can see the PoV of black people. On the other hand, you just have to carve out your own way in the world. If "one of mine", whatever that means, was done in cops for being "X" or "Y" of my background while doing something illegal, I'd say **** them, they ****** up.

Where does it end though?

The facts don't fit the current narrative.

Great podcast that with Rener Gracie, and he is 100% right, how can any officer do their job correctly with only 4 hours of a training every 2 years, with barely 1 hour dedicated to control techniques.

The whole segment about NY making any torso contact for control a criminal offense, is just bonkers. No wonder the use of lethal force in NY has increased, its the only option left for the officers to use.
So you have lived there to know all this?
Or are you going by your podcasts and news feed?

Other people say different.

I don't need to have lived there to know history. There are these things called books.

Are you are trying to deny that the GOP welcomed the southern Democrats that got left with no party after The Democrats moved to the left and became the party that embraced the civil rights movement? Sorry but you can't rewrite history.

Nice opinion piece that confirms that in the 1950s and 60s the "southern Democrats" were racist, as I said. Thing is they were cast out and which party did they join instead? The Republican Party. Look at the Electoral Collage map from 1952. All the racist southern states with the exception of Florida voted Democratic.

Then comes the Southern Strategy with the Civil Rights Movement and the Republican Party goes from the party of Lincoln to embracing white southern racists and moving ever further right.
I don't need to have lived there to know history. There are these things called books.

Are you are trying to deny that the GOP welcomed the southern Democrats that got left with no party after The Democrats moved to the left and became the party that embraced the civil rights movement? Sorry but you can't rewrite history.

Nice opinion piece that confirms that in the 1950s and 60s the "southern Democrats" were racist, as I said. Thing is they were cast out and which party did they join instead? The Republican Party. Look at the Electoral Collage map from 1952. All the racist southern states with the exception of Florida voted Democratic.

Then comes the Southern Strategy with the Civil Rights Movement and the Republican Party goes from the party of Lincoln to embracing white southern racists and moving ever further right.

How many democrats that voted against the civil rights act joined the republican party, 2?

The southern strategy is a contested narrative.
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