Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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The maximum possible term, I would hope.

LOL, this will clearly be the next potential issue for BLM etc... Is this really a good example of a murder-2 conviction that warrant's the maxium? Are all the other murder-2 convictions with lesser sentencing to be disregarded etc...

No doubt the judge will be accused of supporting "white supremacy" if the sentence is deemed to be too lenient in the court of public opinion.
Top tip, if you see one of these arrests when on holiday in the US, get your camera phone out - not only can you attempt to keep everyone involved honest (even if that failed in this case) but you're potentially in line for a pay out.... not only have the family had an 8 figure settlement by the city + a 7 figure go fund me campaign... but even one of the witnesses who filmed the encounter, now has a 6 figure go fund me page... for her "peace and healing"


Not knocking that it was traumatic for her to watch no doubt but I suspect that some therapy sessions won't necessarily cost that much, even in the US.
What is your point dowie?

As per the post, there is money to be made even for a witness.

lol who the hell sets up a gofundme because they saw something bad happen?? That's literally the most brazen way to raise cash off the back of something, christ, it's tacky, horrid and just downright ghastly.

Crazy right! There is starting to be a culture of something goes viral, attach a go fund me to the story.... big pay off. Plenty of potential for some media appearances etc.. too if she chooses to go down that route. Happened with some school shooting over there too - some of the kids managed to use the incident to become public figures.
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