Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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OMG, guilty of 2nd degree murder!

edit, and 3rd degree

and manslaughter!

Well at least there won't be any rioting now, they've found him guilty of everything thrown at him so nothing to protest over right? Right???

Blatantly going to be an appeal.
Was always going to be guilty on all charges, im surprised anyone is surprised.

Then you haven't been following - they didn't even charge him with 2nd degree initially and the local prosecutor thought it was going to be a hard-to prosecute trial, it got rather political though and plenty of resources thrown at it etc..
Or they won't. Considering how many offered to testify against him I don't think they give a damn about him.

Given that the ones testifying were rather senior and a whole bunch have already resigned from that department then I'm not sure this is going to cause that trend to reverse!
You saw the witness list, I posted it. There were more police on it, they just didn't call them all, they didn't need them.

That doesn't negate the obvious effect here! Might not be "today" per se as the other poster claimed but that department is struggling re: losing officers already and this will quite likely continue.
The right wing have deliberately and disingenuously interpreted the BLM's 'defund the police' idea. NO significant amount of people want to 'abolish the police' :rolleyes:

Aside from a whole bunch of people... including those in the Seattle CHAS/CHOP zone you seemed rather fond of last summer.... it was a cop-free zone. Though, ironically, despite being a cop-free zone their "security" managed to shoot a couple of black teens and then promptly act to hide the evidence.
Will be interesting to see if some of the jurors now agree to TV interviews etc.. AFAIK they *can* talk about the case in (at least parts of) the US - not sure if that applies to this city or not? Does anyone know?
We'll see won't we. If any officer thought that what DC did was right then they had no business being a cop and hopefully when they leave they can be replaced with officers who actually want to protect and serve and will be better trained and more psychologically suitable for the job. The fact remains there were lots of officers on that witness list. They never normally testify against their own, that says a lot about what they think of DC. Lets not forget he had 18 complaints against him before this.

That also doesn't negate the point! You don't need to believe that what he did was right to also believe that 2nd-degree murder was a dodgy conviction or that the way these things are handled currently in the media and by some politicians (including local politicians in that city) is dubious. There were three other cops with him too and they all lost their jobs without due process because the mayor threw them under the bus immediately.

As for "well will see" we already have seen, it already started happening last year, this verdict isn't going to change that - why would it?
This thread is an absolute joke. There are posters in here who claim to have watched the whole case and said no way is he guilty, now he's guilty and its clear as day they didn't even understand the charges. If any of you ever get called up for jury duty just tell the judge you aren't fit to serve on a jury.

Which posters said that? What posts are you referring to?
Dodgy in your opinion. I know this is hard for you to compute but your opinion isn't fact. Every high profile case gets lots of media attention. Unless you are suggesting that no one in such cases can get a fair trial then you have to trust the system. 12 people saw the evidence and came to the conclusion he was guilty. One of them could have held out and it would have been a mistrial and we'd never have known who it was.

Dodgy in a lot of people's opinions, thus there will likely be an appeal. Pretty clear that the original prosecutor thought this would be a difficult case too.

You don't get due process on losing your job. What are you talking about. They get their due process in the justice system and when they come before a jury of their peers in their trial in the next few months. After todays result I would be worried if I were them. None of them did a thing to help GF.

Nope, I'm referring to them losing their jobs instantly at the whim of the Mayor, without due process.... that is separate to charges being brought. Do you not understand that?
Yeah but what makes their opinions right any more than yours?

America has a massive problem with police unions being way too powerful and getting officers reinstated when they have no business being police. These cops were fired because everyone saw the videos. Videos that showed GF being killed and they did nothing to stop DC. They did nothing to try and save his life. I've got zero sympathy for any of them, they failed to protect GF life and they had no business being cops. They are no loss to the police force, so good riddance. Any police officer that acts in such a way should be fired and never hired as a police officer again.

It isn't an opinion, they were fired pretty much instantly.

As for "did nothing to save his life", Lane performed CPR on him and directly questioned Chauvin's actions.

Two of the cops were rookies, Chuavin was mentoring them. How can you conclude that they did nothing to save his life when they called for an Ambulance, escalated that call, challenged Chuavin's actions and one of them performed CPR.
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I wonder what the judge is thinking now - lots of pressure on him now that they've convicted on the highest charge too... if he's seen as "too soft" with the sentencing then he becomes a hated figure.... expectations are going to be for the max sentence even if, ordinarily, such a case much not warrant it. Will be interesting to see - as will any appeal + presumably the longer the sentence the more likely the sentence is going to be successfully bargained down in any appeal (if not some attempt at actually overturning a conviction or two).

Gf wasn't on trial.
He would've been if he was alive, that's the real irony.
For passing a counterfeit note ?

For that + being behind the wheel when high AF + possession + resisting arrest. Note his friend who was in the car is currently facing various other unrelated charges too. Floyd has plenty of history with the police.

They pretty much had to arrest him, not just because of the note (that was the reason for the initial call). the was around the amount of force used, I don't think the initial part of the arrest was the issue here, it was Chauvin carrying on with the knee and the inaction by him when Floyd lost consciousness.
If your family was druggy criminal with a dodgy ticker, you might feel different. I'd certainly take the cash if he was my kin.

Yup, some of them hadn't seen him for years, at least one of his cousins didn't even know she was related to him until after he died.

Despite the pay out by the city council, to the tune of 8 figures, there is still an open 7 figure go-fund-me campaign too.
Its a high possibility. Nelson and Chauvin know it.

The only way he could be allowed an appeal is if the jury's decision was proven to be influenced by external factors. I.e Maxine Waters

I doubt you’re in a position to make claims about the only appeal routes here.
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