Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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If you see most of my posts on here im quite left leaning. Having skimmed a lot on here im not sure how he gets murder. I think it was unnecessary but if youre pumped with drugs and have health issues anyway then...
I can't believe I just seen the clip of the prosecutor showing the "dots" representing each day GF was alive.

He used this to rebutt (and I paraphrase) the defence case of GF illnesses e.g hypertension and heart disease causing the death by stating he lived for 1700 days with these but it strange that this day was the day they killed him.

Really? 1700 days with heart disease and hypertension?... So GF was born with these from day 1? :confused: :cry:
Jesus, could the BBC News channel at least try to be slightly less unbalanced with all these reporters and guest speakers?

Verdict expected at 10pm UK time.
I can't believe I just seen the clip of the prosecutor showing the "dots" representing each day GF was alive.

He used this to rebutt (and I paraphrase) the defence case of GF illnesses e.g hypertension and heart disease causing the death by stating he lived for 1700 days with these but it strange that this day was the day they killed him.

Really? 1700 days with heart disease and hypertension?... So GF was born with these from day 1? :confused: :cry:
There's been a lot said that doesn't make much sense or stand up to scruitiny.

As an example, one of the "experts" on the BBC said that the "defence had to prove that Floyd would have died on that day had he not encountered the police."

Which is clearly complete crap.
I can't believe I just seen the clip of the prosecutor showing the "dots" representing each day GF was alive.

He used this to rebutt (and I paraphrase) the defence case of GF illnesses e.g hypertension and heart disease causing the death by stating he lived for 1700 days with these but it strange that this day was the day they killed him.

Really? 1700 days with heart disease and hypertension?... So GF was born with these from day 1? :confused: :cry:
You do know that's 4.5 years:o
For extra irony, what if he gets say 3rd degree and/or manslaughter and the Judge gives him <= 10 years.... i.e. up to or below the same amount he was going to enter a plea deal for anyway!
Any conviction will be appealed. Even the judge had advised that the Greene politician woman had said enough to have a verdict overturned on its own
There's been a lot said that doesn't make much sense or stand up to scruitiny.

As an example, one of the "experts" on the BBC said that the "defence had to prove that Floyd would have died on that day had he not encountered the police."

Which is clearly complete crap.

Living in the idiocracy due to the public's lack of giving a **** is endlessly funny.
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