-= Design Our New Logo & Win a XFX GeForce GTX 285 Black Edition Graphics Card =-

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Like yours a lot Heofz. Very subtle with the union jack. I think the bottom of the four works the best, the 3rd coming close to that.

May I ask what fonts those are? I have just been using the different fonts that inkscape comes with.
I think Martian_Aphid's one is still the only one that really blew me away when I saw it.
Its much more catchy and logo-like than most of the others. It really grabbed my attention.

I like the original ones without the union jack and the binary rectangle things inside the O.
Really like the T-shirt! :)
However on the back it looks like "Orclockers" as the red is a bit lost...

You could just use front logo again but bigger and centered?
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