*** Desk and Room Gallery***

The 3rd monitor, mainly used for displaying all the monitors i.e, temp, hd, cpu, gpu and other gadgets like that. Also run word on that monitor prefer using word in portrait mode.

cheers. But mostly I like to know the temps of things when playing games.
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This is my desk, the computer is used for work and gaming

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The 3rd monitor, mainly used for displaying all the monitors i.e, temp, hd, cpu, gpu and other gadgets like that. Also run word on that monitor prefer using word in portrait mode.

cheers. But mostly I like to know the temps of thinks when playing games.

Can we have a close up on what apps you are using on that screen sheldore thanks.
I get told it needs sorted but i just like everything close to me. Will probably tidy it up eventually.

26" 1920x1200


22" 1920x1080


19" 768 x 1366





Slim todo List
Desktop Clock
Network monitor II
MSN weather
Drives Monitor
System Monitor II
System Uptime
Sushi's Drive Info
System controls
GPU observer
IntelCore Series
Quick files

Thats it..

Cheers bud,i also use fences,i found out with fences with win7 game shortcuts it deletes some of them from time to time,does not touch programmes just game icons.
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