*** Desk and Room Gallery***

I get told it needs sorted but i just like everything close to me. Will probably tidy it up eventually.

26" 1920x1200


What is used here? Rainmeter theme?
I'm using Windowblinds sublime theme to alter taske bar, the top bar is from object dock plus and the wallpaper I found on the net.
not tight i will splash out when i have not got the money if something is a good deal as you will always kick yourself when you dont take it up and think back that could have been mine, Me personally i just try to make the most of what i've got as most people do but some dont have the patience of others and as the great saying goes all good things come to thoes who wait ;)

Nar kudos to you. When I was 20 I wasted all my money on going out, wish I'd had the sense to spend it on something like what you have there. Experience is a fine thing :)
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