
PC Desktop now:

1600x1200 @ 300kb

Close up of the important bit


"Engineered to be the best, Concorde flew above the rest"


Right I'll try put together a set of icons, and a few mac style menu bars that'll suit most themes. It'll depend what I've got left in store :)

Expect it tomorrow some time.


Right then. The package is uploading now. It's made up of around 7 objectbar themes (milk, rahpsodized all the usual ones) and a 30mb icon pack which I'll work on updating with some of the more recent mac icons which have come out. :)

When it's done you'll be able to grab it

Originally posted by dirtydog
Bear in mind you'll need to install Objectbar first ;)

yeah, i'm gonna have to buy it.
is it worth buying Objectbar just on its own...or should i fork out the $50 for the whole lot? what else do you get thats worth having?
The trial wont work on mine either and I dont have the money to buy it :( Oh well there goes my chances of making my PC look like a Mac.
Originally posted by <sP@wN>
The trial wont work on mine either and I dont have the money to buy it :( Oh well there goes my chances of making my PC look like a Mac.

Yzdock? it looks more like the OSX dock than object dock and its free, although granted its not as customisable.
Originally posted by >:|sh4d0w|:<
Yzdock? it looks more like the OSX dock than object dock and its free, although granted its not as customisable.

and not to mention it's illegal as apple ceased the production of it.
Originally posted by <sP@wN>
The trial wont work on mine either and I dont have the money to buy it :( Oh well there goes my chances of making my PC look like a Mac.

Just get FlyaKite on there, thats all i've done for now.
i'd say it looks mac enough.

Originally posted by Dru
Right then. The package is uploading now. It's made up of around 7 objectbar themes (milk, rahpsodized all the usual ones) and a 30mb icon pack which I'll work on updating with some of the more recent mac icons which have come out. :)

When it's done you'll be able to grab it


dru mate, the link dont work lol

Originally posted by cremo
and not to mention it's illegal as apple ceased the production of it.

It's not illegal to own it and it's available from non warez sites for download, or from p2p, it's not hard to find.
Originally posted by |Show|
yeah, i'm gonna have to buy it.
is it worth buying Objectbar just on its own...or should i fork out the $50 for the whole lot? what else do you get thats worth having?

$50? :eek: I wouldn't :D

The good stuff is Objectbar, Windowblinds, Icon Packager and WindowFX (the freeware YzShadow also gives very good Mac-like shadows under windows and menus, but it doesn't put shadows under Objectbar's menus).

Anyway most of the stuff you need is free and legal to download (eg. making Firefox look like Safari), but it does require work and effort, there's no easy installers to do it all automatically.
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