
Originally posted by marc2003
you don't have to run it in safe mode. just make sure your windows xp disk is not in the cd drive when you run it. :p

better safe than sorry :cool:
That is awesome mrk :D
Originally posted by dark_shadow
Just it in safe mode, enabled then rebooted, now I tried a couple of themes, applyed them, and It just stays bog standard :confused:

dude, just get "replacer" and replace uxthemedll with the hacked one. no rebooting or anything needed.
Originally posted by dark_shadow
Can you elaborate please . . .

replacer is a .bat file , you drag the original file to replace into it and then drag the file to replace with. it does it's job as it should and reboot is not usually needed. it is a more accurate way of replacing system files that windows file protection will shake fists at.
Originally posted by RandomTom
bit of a bump & |show| have you posted your samurize config because it looks nice and simple :)

Oh and what background is that it looks amazing :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

get my config here

i'm afraid the grey 'box' that forms the backdrop is part of the wallpaper (which as you said, is amazing :p) because i couldnt be bothered to work out if its possible to layer the image that the clock uses over the box.

but if you want that image then get it here!
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