Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Whats the power level for the new raid? My Warlock on the PC isn't as well equipped as my Titan on PS4, so will have to try and get him geared a bit better.

700+ I think, The Menagerie is 690+ because its got enemies that's over 700PL (gotta be 690 to actually start it to).
Should I get Forsaken annual pass or complete edition? The annual pass is only 12.99 at the moment and complete edition is 34.99
Whats the power level for the new raid? My Warlock on the PC isn't as well equipped as my Titan on PS4, so will have to try and get him geared a bit better.

715 first encounter, 725 third encounter (second encounter is jumping puzzle) and 735 for third encounter.
700+ I think, The Menagerie is 690+ because its got enemies that's over 700PL (gotta be 690 to actually start it to).

highest wave goes to 740 in menagerie but luckily you can farm low power level encounters and just more of them to still finish
Glad there’s at lease some sort of power boost. @GAM8LE are you still doing raids for noobs (figuratively speaking, done upto SoC on PS4)?

Yeah everytime a new raid comes out or new piece of challenging content, I do it with my normal peeps first then when we are comfortable - use the100 to setup teaching runs which is linked in discord.

One of my team edited to show all the successful points from our day 1 raid completion:

Capping raids is a good challenge for a raid race but jeez - was tough.
Got to level 12 when it came out - then gave up.

After seeing the Shadowkeep footage I decided to fire it up again.

Hardly put it down since, to my great surprise - really enjoying it.
They left activision so need a new platform for their game to be on. Also I reckon the whole cross save, stadia thing might have something to do with it.
So following my earlier post I have reached lvl 30 and just finished CoO, problem I have is warmind is 300+, Forsaken is 330+ and I am currently at 285

What is the best way to up my numbers now ?
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