*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I can do Friday but what time? Oh I can make 8 not any earlier I'm afraid

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Anyone about tonight or tomorrow night for some VoG action.

I'm a lvl28, potentially 29 hunter and I've played through VoG to the last boss.
We tried the hard run last week and just getting to the point with the oracles on the second stage was very tough. Goblins just were taking a few seconds to drop so we kept on getting pushed back once Minotaurs were around then enrage happened and no one could see the floor for enemies.

That's with us as level 27-29s, sure it's possible but I expect you'd need to go on with fully upgraded guns and new fallback plans. Nothing to do with comms, more I think how resistant the enemy is...

I really want that raid void auto before attempting it again

ps3ud0 :cool:
It was a right laugh last night with you guys, definitely need to do it again Friday night!

On that note..

PS4 8 PM Friday night?

1 - UberGinge (28 Sunsinger)
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -

I'd love to do a raid this Friday. I'm a level 26 warlock but may be more by Friday. I just did a VOG boss with DaveyPitch and Hixx over lunch. Was fun. Bring it on! I use the term "did a boss" loosely as a certain exploit was used (but I had to get back to work anyway :)

Edited to say 8:00pm would be perfect.
Team for tonight on PS4 (from the start)

Lvl26 at least, preferably higher. 8pm ish start.

1. JDWhalley
2. Fez Hunter lvl28
3. Sieze2 26 warlock

Anyone else up for it?

It would be good to have a few people who know the raid well as I have only done it once to just before the end (nearly killed last boss but ran out of time). Can people say if they know what they are doing as well.
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I'd love to do a raid this Friday. I'm a level 26 warlock but may be more by Friday. I just did a VOG boss with DaveyPitch and Hixx over lunch. Was fun. Bring it on! I use the term "did a boss" loosely as a certain exploit was used (but I had to get back to work anyway :)

Edited to say 8:00pm would be perfect.

Lol the exploit of men (well maybe of very scared little girls hiding in the corner of the map because we were not strong enough to take down the boss) Thanks for your help today Sieze2 much appreciated. Hopefully we can do it again sometime, it was a laugh.
Doesn't look like we will have enough people for a run through tonight. We need another 4 PS4 players and its 7:15 atm.
Well how many of us are wanting to do it? I know gord has some other people he lays with as well, hectic duck and i think ultimate weapon were added by him last time. We've got me, shami, steedie, rob and dannybo1y up for a run on normal tonight, i reckon i have a mate who'll join and i think there was someone else in this thread after i put the list up but i'm onmy phone at the chippy at the minute so cant check easily.

If everyone in this thread can do 8pm tonight, why not have a raid tonight with us lot and then another tomorrow night with last weeks raid team of g0rd and co, plus anyone else who might want in or to do it tomorrow?
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