*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I wouldn't mind joining with my 27 hunter if anyone has a spot. I've done the raid before in full 3 times(but have yet to get any raid armour). Alternatively i'm up for doing the nightfall strike if anyones interested.
Jesus that was tough - level 26 just makes me as tough as custard - thanks for the last minute join Sieze2. Least we can get it done and dusted tomorrow - bring those heavy ammo packs!

And seriously void fusion rifles are epic against shielded stuff in the VoG - doesnt matter if its rare...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Well we were within seconds of doing it during one attempt but couldn't get close after that.

Really fed up with how unreliable their connections are though. Never have any issues with games except destiny which throws me off all the time as well as a few others in our fireteam
Bungie really need to sort their net code out. It's shockingly bad. Disconnects all round for everyone

meanwhile on xbox we had a party of 6 who just spent 3 hours in the vault and not one of us had a disconnection.

I get the odd issue, but nothing major. Wonder if its more prevalent on PS4 ?
Had one disconnect myself which I had to completely quit the game for it to 'come to life' again, delayed us a bit but not so bad!

Still no raid armour but I got a fancy primary shotgun called Universal Remote, which I guess I shouldn't moan so much about!
meanwhile on xbox we had a party of 6 who just spent 3 hours in the vault and not one of us had a disconnection.

I get the odd issue, but nothing major. Wonder if its more prevalent on PS4 ?

This was Xbox.

Gord has suggested the problem might be our party host as it's p2p?
:( i can't believe how close it was. That sucked big time. I need to get myself to level 29 to make life a bit easier haha

Next run we need to decide on a team of 3 who go through the portals each time. We also need to wait until we're ready to go through the gate before we kill the last oracle as i noticed the damage buff started as soon as that was killed. Meaning 3 people inside the portal were running across the level and missing out on shooty-boss-big-damage time. I didn't even know you could do a stronger jump attack with the relic till halfway through!

Just sucks that we were starting to get into a routine and then people were dropping in and out left right and centre. ******g servers haha.
If anyone is doing the raid Thursday I'd be interested in joining. Level 27 Titan. I'll check back later if anyone's interested, it will be my first time though.

PSN - BromheadUK
Jesus that was tough - level 26 just makes me as tough as custard - thanks for the last minute join Sieze2. Least we can get it done and dusted tomorrow - bring those heavy ammo packs!

And seriously void fusion rifles are epic against shielded stuff in the VoG - doesnt matter if its rare...

ps3ud0 :cool:

It was very tough.. but it is doable.

The thing with void damage.. I can understand it.. however...

I have a flame fusion rifle and its so powerful it removes the shields in one shot.. and then allows me to switch to my primary and destroy the minotaur/Pretorians.

I think void is required if you have a lesser powered weapon.. but once you get past a certain level of attack I believe that any elemental damage will do the same thing.

Xbox was telling me last night that the impact is so high on his hand cannon that it removes the shields with one hit and then obliterates the enemy with the next. This was shown by his kills during the final section.. where he was almost double the kills of the nearest team mate at times.

We will finish it tonight.. we just need less talking during and more focus.
Don't worry about what others are doing.. the only thing that should be mentioned is the locations of the teleports and the screams of "help me" when required. :)
That sucks McGray :(

Well with that update here is what it's looking like:

1) UberGinge (28 Sunsinger)
2) zoomee (27 Hunter)
3) MaxiLive (29 Hunter)
4) sieze2 (26 Warlock)
5) srg_johnson82 (28 Hunter)
6) blitzwing85 (? ?)

Hopefully I haven't missed anyone this time, I'm trying really hard to avoid work and organise this right now :P
Xbox was telling me last night that the impact is so high on his hand cannon that it removes the shields with one hit and then obliterates the enemy with the next. This was shown by his kills during the final section.. where he was almost double the kills of the nearest team mate at times.

I doubt that very much... I have a fully upgraded Thorn and while it isn't the highest impact Handcannon, it won't differ to the extent I take an entire clip to kill a regular Minotaur (if not more I think) and can't do anything of the sort to Praetorians and his Handcannon '2 shots' them.

As for kills. Most (if not all) Handcannons can 1 shot all regular Vex if you critical which makes for very easy racking up of kills.

Since getting Atheons Epilogue when the Praetorians are involved I've taken to using that to strip shields and swapping to Pocket Infinity to just melt there health bar.
Something we may want to do on Friday:

Seems like it might be tricky without high level titans though :p

We don't even have a Titan. lol :(

@UberGinge - I'm Level 29 Hunter

I could also bring a Lvl 26 Warlock or Titan but I haven't evne maxed out their classes yet so Hunter will no doubt be much mroe useful. I need to get those others to Lvl 27 and max out 1 sub-class so I can bring other classes in the future.
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