*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Yeah we're still on for a 8:30 kick off. I'll be home around half 7ish if anyone wants/needs to do Nightfall/Weekly/Daily or whatever as well :)

I'll be on from 7:30 onwards as well, see you guys for the raid tonight. Before that I wouldn't mind doing the weekly heroic on hard for the 6 coins if anyone can help.
Yeah we're still on for a 8:30 kick off. I'll be home around half 7ish if anyone wants/needs to do Nightfall/Weekly/Daily or whatever as well :)
Give me a shout if you need me, I'll be around as not been that well - actually haven't completed it yet this week!

ps3ud0 :cool:
Weekly really isn't that hard this week. I did it on my own on monday. Just focus on the boss at the end with sniper headshots and he goes down easy.
When are we trying it again guys? Shami? Krisboats?

I'm starting one tonight at 8pm if we can get the people together. Will be from the beginning. MilkyB can you make tonight?

I've got 3 including myself already. If you and Kris are in then I just need 1 more.
I'll be on from 7.30 tonight, still need to do the nightfall if anyone can help.

I've gotta nip to birmingham tonight to collect my parents from the airport. I'll be around tomorrow daytime and sunday. Need to do the nightfall and finish this VoG with everyone. Sunday evening good for VoG'ers?
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