*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***


PS4 - Deathsinger & Crota (CE NM) & VoG HM (or CE HM) - 8PM Mon (13/04)

- OweO - "Bluey" Level 30 Titan
- Anti-Chav

We will need a SB for CE (unless we run HM then I can run it on Moody).
Only one evening raiding for me I'm afraid! Let's get the post reset runs organised

Tuesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run then VoG HM full run
1) middgen

Doesnt' have to be VoG after, could just run nightfalls, see what time it is. Could do one extra Crota kill to try and get hunter helmet if people need it.
Only one evening raiding for me I'm afraid! Let's get the post reset runs organised

Tuesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run then VoG HM full run
1) middgen
2) OweO

Doesnt' have to be VoG after, could just run nightfalls, see what time it is. Could do one extra Crota kill to try and get hunter helmet if people need it.

Yup I am up for this. I can run sword for a quick second Crota kill (or we can switch on whichever run). If it's ok I would like to run my Titan through the first two sections and then switch to a WL. At the point you (or whoever) takes sword I would then switch back to my Titan in the hope the helmet drops. I still only have a blue helmet for Bluey which is messing with my OCD...
I'll be running my Titan (31) for the full run, so we might need our newly-blooded swordbearer Davie to take the lead, second kill I can do on my hunter...
I can run sword for you OweO, drop me an invite tonight. I'll probably be on tomorrow too, no problem running it on HM, but I don't need anything from it and its stress dealing with the swordbearer hiding and ruining a good run etc.
I can run sword for you OweO, drop me an invite tonight. I'll probably be on tomorrow too, no problem running it on HM, but I don't need anything from it and its stress dealing with the swordbearer hiding and ruining a good run etc.

Cool thanks. :)

It would only be NM as I will be running on my Titan. We may need a couple more as taking Crota's shield may be a pain with my level deficit. Might be ok though as Anti has a ~318 attack HoC and I have a 331 G'horn.

I will ping you an invite tonight.
Only one evening raiding for me I'm afraid! Let's get the post reset runs organised

Tuesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run then VoG HM full run
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) MachM82

Doesnt' have to be VoG after, could just run nightfalls, see what time it is. Could do one extra Crota kill to try and get hunter helmet if people need it.

I'm up for this too.
Only one evening raiding for me I'm afraid! Let's get the post reset runs organised

Tuesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run then VoG HM full run
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) MachM82
4) TL_Venom

Doesnt' have to be VoG after, could just run nightfalls, see what time it is. Could do one extra Crota kill to try and get hunter helmet if people need it.

I'll jump in too!
Cool thanks. :)

It would only be NM as I will be running on my Titan. We may need a couple more as taking Crota's shield may be a pain with my level deficit. Might be ok though as Anti has a ~318 attack HoC and I have a 331 G'horn.

I will ping you an invite tonight.

You need 3 Gjallahorn rockets to down crota on HM iirc or 2 rockets with others helping out with basically anything.

If you fire 2 rockets every time (do the ammo glitch) then he should go down with zero issues so long as the others hit him with something that has range (scout, pulse, snipers, etc).

In fact I'm sure if 5 people are hitting him with something that has range he should go down even with zero rockets. I'm sure we have done it with just primaries before.

Downing crota is the easiest part of the raid.
We should be fine with 2 x G'horn & 1 x HoC but I tend to prefer overkill to be sure (normally running sword so I would much rather have too many rockets hit then not enough).

I have never taken crota's shield at anyting less than a level 32* thus I just want to be sure we can do consistant damage.

*2 G'horn solo on NM is enough to take it completely although it is still touch and go as you are moving towards him before the wolfpack rounds have fully engaged.

Bluey is running Ruin Wings but I will still trigger the Heavy ammo glitch to ensure I have enough heavy ammo (she can only carry 5 rockets atm).
Obligatory Wednesday night lists incoming...

Raid: Crota NM x2 XB1
Time: Wednesday 8-8.30pm

Run 1

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) Yimpy

Run 2

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc

Will probably run Nfs after as well.

Go go go!!
Originally Posted by KWJay View Post
Obligatory Wednesday night lists incoming...

Raid: Crota NM x2 XB1
Time: Wednesday 8-8.30pm

Run 1

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) Yimpy
4) McDan1el
5) MrGench

Run 2

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) McDan1el
4) MrGench

Will probably run Nfs after as well.

Go go go!!
Raid: Crota NM x2 XB1
Time: Wednesday 8-8.30pm

Run 1

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) Yimpy
4) McDan1el
5) MrGench
6) Aman

Run 2

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) McDan1el
4) MrGench
5) Aman

Can do the nf at around 8 tonight if anyone wants to try with me
Originally Posted by KWJay View Post
Obligatory Wednesday night lists incoming...

Raid: Crota NM x2 XB1
Time: Wednesday 8-8.30pm

Run 1

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) Yimpy
4) McDan1el
5) MrGench
6) aman

Run 2

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) McDan1el
4) MrGench
5) parko

Will probably run Nfs after as well.

Go go go!!
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