*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Further update:

Pre-reset runs-

PS4 VoG NM - ~ 7:30PM Mon

- OweO - 31 Titan
- Anti-Chav - 31 Warlock
- NoGutz-NoGlory (Anti's cousin) - ?
- Apatia77 - 26 Warlock
- Jorja86 - 31 Warlock
- DavieM66

And / Or:

VoG HM Atheon only CP - (time dependant on if we run NM or not)

- OweO (May run Jorja86)- confirmed
- Anti-Chav - confimed
- DavieM66
- Apatia77 - confirmed

Can see who's online for the HM run, sure we'll pick up someone.
Originally Posted by KWJay View Post
Parko, Gench, a quick edit as had to change Yimpy to an earlier run...

Wednesday runs, as usual!!

Raid: Crota NM x2, VoG if people want it. XB1
Time: Wednesday 8pm-ish start

Crota NM Run 1

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK
3) Parko
4) MrGench
5) Yimpy
6) thoseion

Crota NM Run 2

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK
3) Parko
4) MrGench
5) thoseion
6) McDan1el

VoG NM or HM, go with whatever people want...

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK
3) Parko
4) MrGench
5) thoseion / McDan1el
6) EvilMatt

Sign your lives away people! (Well, your Wednesday evening at least )

* If there's more than one other wanting to do VoG, I'll drop out as there's nothing I need from it. Also, if Iron Banner is on, I might drop out anyway to do that instead :p

Dang, that was some quick sign ups!
Originally Posted by MachM View Post
Tuesday VoG NM - PS4 ~ 8PM

- Anti-Chav
- NoGutz_NoGlory (My cousin)
- OweO
- apatia
- MachM82
- DavieM66

Then, depending on speed of completion and what-not

CE NM - PS4 ~ 9.30PM?

- Anti-Chav
- NoGutz_NoGlory (My cousin)
- OweO
- DavieM66
- apatia
- MachM82

Swapped myself out for apatia, don't think I'm gonna make it, might do a NF or two though depending on what it is. The missus is away for two weeks from Monday so I'll get my raiding done pre-reset Monday evening...
Ah slight problem - I had already swapped myself out with Apatia.. :p (per post above somewhere)

I will be running NF's with Piphal.

Saying that with Triple burn the NF's should go round pretty quick so we can see who is available and go from there. I don't need anyhing bar titan boots from CE NM so I can drop in and duck out if required to let someone else get the loot. I can of course run sword if you need me to. :)

Good runs last night although there was some wierd stuff going on. My connection to the game was orange/red which was unusual. I am on 77Mb BT Infinity so normally have a green connection. I think this causing (at least in part) some of the nuances we had to overcome (seriously the Templar had no shield on my screen - I was playing a pure guessing game on his shield when he wasn't directly in line of site).

I *think* this can also explain the oddities seen on Crota. He was getting up much quicker on my screen than I am used to. With hindsight I should have restarted my PS4 but hey ho. No Gutz got the boots which will help him level up and it was good fun none the less.
Well, it's the only thing I still haven't done...if there was a group that knows how to get it done I'd be interested. Can't spend hours on it though....
Ok.. Let's get this done!

Crota, Hard Mode full run, PS4, 7:30pm GMT

Must all be 32s, we need at least 4 Horns excluding the swordbearer.

1. Evil_Par5n1p (can swordbear)
2. Mid_Gen

Quote and add names.
Well, I guess scratch that then :P I'll pop online in time for it though.....if we can get a team together then cool....otherwise I'll probably LFG a quick scrota normal run for my titan...
Not exactly sure what is happening this evening raiding wise but I will be running a couple of NF's with Piphal. We will then be up for w/e after.

(I gave up my raid spot for Apatia - as did mid_gen... Piphal wants to run something so ahhhh! :p)

Hopefully my connection to the game will be better tonight. :rolleyes:
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