I'm confused if this is for 32s with health regen only or notSigning up just in case as I need them shards to get to 32.
What's the best way to get health regen? I can only think of Suros, which I don't have yet.
Nice one I was hoping some of our resident HM swordbearers would be up for it
Apatia, I asked for 32s with health regen as last night we spent most of the time not even making it out of the crystal room in one piece. You need to be all leaving the crystal room max health as a starting point, and being able to hoover up orbs on rotations to top up health from stray boomer hits and stuff. It makes a huge difference, OweO was doing a fine job on sword and we were taking him down timely enough, it was just people dying causing wipes.
You must be very close to 32 now? The helmets below all give health when you pick up an orb. Worth picking one up if Xur sells them. You can get away without it on defender titan as you regen when you pop your bubble.
the Hunter's Mask of the Third Man
the Titan's Insurmountable Skullfort
the Warlock's Apotheosis Veil
the Warlock's Light Beyond Nemesis
Mid, I can help you with this, I'm away with business until late-ish on Friday though. Parsnip knows we run a tight ship on HM (I think he recorded the full no wipe run we had?) Anyway, I'm here if you need me to run sword later on in the week![]()
Tuesday 7:30pm GMT PS4 CE HM
1) middgen
2) DavieM66
3) apatia7
4) Evil Par5n1p
5) Anti-Chav
sub - psychosonny
Tuesday 7:30pm GMT PS4 CE HM
1) middgen
2) DavieM66
3) apatia7
4) Evil Par5n1p
5) Anti-Chav
sub - psychosonny
Anyone want to help distract me today and do NF/Weeklies, gotta do 3 runs
Mid gen - yes I am close to 32 just need like 10 more shards to fully upgrade last item. Should get it this week as I can run CE NM with random people if needed on all my 3 chars, NM is very easy compared to HM. Obviously you can replace me if you won't be doing VoG HM.
Par5nip is a lot better on the sword than me so you should be fine.![]()
Thanks for the vote of confidence
I was taught by the best Venom lol
Anyone want to help distract me today and do NF/Weeklies, gotta do 3 runs
I suspect you'll have already done them by then, but I'll be on at 8 to do NF/Weekly.