*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Pro tip : assists count towards Iron Wrath.

Yea that's what I was trying to do. As soon as I was like 7/10 or 8/10, I just stayed back and tried to tag kills, but it would make me tunnel vision so bad.

Then as soon as I dropped the bounty, I would go on a 10 enemy killing spree. How ironic
I may come on it later now, or tomorrow morning. Got a game of Smite with my little bro, till he's bored :D

Haha, awesome! That's cool mate, it's Friday, I'll probably be on til late then on again in the morning. Might start my Warlock and level him up to 3 quickly then try and hit 5 on him and the hunter by the end of monday
Widow's Court for ToO... Never even heard of it, which means it'll be interesting to play on Sunday... *gulp*
I should be online from about 5 today if anyone wants to IB? I also need to do Nightfall and 32 PoE. Hell wouldn't even mind a raid if there is enough of us around? :P

GT - brocksta85.
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Cheers for the late raid last night all - not a single weapon drop for me :mad:

So looks like I'll have to get into some more! I want a 365 legendary hand cannon so at this rate I'm going to end up ascending red hand IX as it's the best non-exotic one I have.

Etheric lights coming in thick and fast now though so suppose I don't have to be too picky about what to ascend.

I'll not be on tonight as have a couple mates going over for beers but will be on IB and whatever else on Sunday day/night.
May squeeze some matches in today in the afternoon but not sure
mwah ha ha I just conned the RNG!

Last 2 Vault of glass hard modes I've not had a single weapon drop. So before starting one with LFG today I used all etheric lights I was saving for when I got the weapons. Knowing of course, that once I had none it would give me weapons! lol :D

And it did.

2x Pradyths revenge
Vex mythoclast
Vision of confluence

Now if only I hadn't got a duplicate and had found fatebringer I'd be set.

FINALLY though...was getting sick of getting nothing.

It was a struggle with the randoms like - but thankfully the 3 crap ones bailed at the templar and I got a couple of work mates in and we blasted through it from there

Will be back on tomorrow for some IB
Got a few more Motes of Light this weekend, so after 4 chest rolls, I got:

- 1xCrest of Alpha Lupi (Hunter)
- 2xLucky Raspberry (Hunter)
- 1xCrest of Alpha Lupi (Titan)

Got my Hunter to level 34 and Titan to level 29, so great week so far.
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Anyone up for some PoE 32 today? (Xbox 1 - 33 warlock)

Probably after lunch as I've a distinct lack of Void Damage stuff, rerolled a few this morning, they just need levelling up, which won't take long once the server resets and theres new bounties :]

Message me in game please if you you're up for up (GT: Gro187) I'll get a notification on my phone if I'm not on and Im more likely to see it :]

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Does anyone on PS4 still need to do a NF? Just realised I haven't done it on my Warlock yet (doh). Will be on this morning, give me a shout if you're about.
I haven't done any PoE this week so if anyone needs to do anything still once I'm home (8pm ish) then I'll he around. Otherwise will be IB'ing or ToO
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