Ive not done a Lv35, so it will be interesting. I'm sure we can read on reddit and so on, for the best plan. Normally you have 1 bubble bro so that should be cool. I'll send you guys some invites tomorrow.
Be mindful that this weeks modifiers are Small arms and Lightswitch at Skolas. Small arms both helps and hinders as you specials & Heavies to less damage. The major problem with that is a 365 high impact shotgun will not one hit kill a Captain.
Everything will be able to one hit you with the LS modifier (unless you have an overshield) so keep your distance.
The tactic that worked for us was to constantly rotate from far left to far right on a loop - moving when you start to get over run. Damage Skolas until adds spawn and then immediately stop. Focus completely on the adds and then return to Skolas. Once the bonds are broken ensure you know what order you will pass the essence around in and continue to follow the damage Skolas / focus adds patten above. Swap out the essence at around 5-8 seconds to ensure no one is immune when you need them to take it. At ~ 50% health you will get Mines spawn. Ensure you have a tactic for this as Mines + Devouring Essence timer + LS = wipe if you don't.
Once past the first set of mines regroup and carry on with the normal pattern of damaging skolas, add focus & managing the essence.
The last part of the fight causes the most wipes. You have two real choices -
1) Burn Skolas down as quickly as possible once he drops below 30% health (add spawn) and deal with the mines once he is dead.
2) Burn Skolas to 30%, focus adds then burn him again to 25%. 25% health is the tigger point for the second (and last) set of mines. Deal with the mines in the same manner as before and then return to burning Skolas down.
The first option is hard if you don't have maxed G'horns and a full compliment of rockets. (You essentially need the DPS G'horn provides to pull this off) Small arms really doesn't help here. If you don't burn him quickly enough the mines (or sheer number of adds) will probably cause a wipe. The second option takes longer and has the risk of wiping to the mines themselves but allows you to control the spawns and the timers.
When I did it (the fated Greboth dropped out of the party clutch) we tried the first option and then switched to the second after the first wipe (we did it with the same modifiers as this week).
Honestly if you communicate well and manage the fight it isn't
that hard. It is frustrating mind.
In terms of line-up we did it with three bubble bros (Bluey in my case) all running Helm of saint 14. This helped massively when dealing with charging melee captains. Any setup will work you just have to play to your advantages. If you have a hunter ensure they have a super and the ability to go invisible (every possible option in the sub class should be selected). The gaunlets which trigger invisibility when you are hit are useless in this fight (you will die to the hit). Warlocks allow a second chance on the essence as long as they are running fireborn.