Devil May Cry Official Thread

Jesus :(

This game is seriously hard, probs the hardest since DOA4/Dead rising. Capcom really make you work for points - more so than in Dead Rising. Am on Son of Sparda mode and am facing Angus for the second time. He's soo hard. Resorted to using the Holy water and it takes half a bit of health off him in this mode :( I'm having to use the mission 9 and 20 glitch to farm souls else i won't stand a chance. I'll plogh on though as i so wanna play as Super Nero/Super Dante :)

Anyone else finding this hard?
Hard - no, frustrating - definately. The combat for me atleast doesnt seem to flow aswell as it did in DMC3. Same with the puzzles half of them are just pointless, very frustrating and serve no real purpose except to drag the game out for aslong as possible (e.g The board game, constant respawns of enemies everytime you fail etc.)

The only thing I've enjoyed so far are the boss battle, I got up to mission 10 or 11 I think before I got sick of the dodgy camera angles.

Edit: Also one thing I HATE Capcom for changing is the end of mission ranking system, it was great in DMC3 so I have no idea what possessed them to change it in anyway.
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I'm on the last level in demon hunter difficulty (is that what it's called? highest available difficulty when you start the game). I've really enjoyed it overall, after a while i figured out how to keep the camera manageable. Personally i think Dante was far more fun to control than Nero, but meh, they're both pretty good.

So far got a B and the rest are either A or S grade, so don't think i'm doing badly for a first play through.
I'm on the last level in demon hunter difficulty (is that what it's called? highest available difficulty when you start the game). I've really enjoyed it overall, after a while i figured out how to keep the camera manageable. Personally i think Dante was far more fun to control than Nero, but meh, they're both pretty good.

So far got a B and the rest are either A or S grade, so don't think i'm doing badly for a first play through.

Devil Hunter mode.


Personally, haven't found the camera angles a problem at all. I supposed your answers depend on which mode your playing at. Up to devil hunter mode i thought it was quite forgiving, especially during boss battles. Now i'm playing the next difficulty up (Son of Sparda), you really have to work at not being hit - especially during boss battles as you can lose a good 30% of your health sometimes. I found credo very easy this time, but Agnus is seriosuly hard for me at the minute :(

woohoo, did him. Upgrading the Yamato seemed to stun him at lot more frequently, letting me use the buster moves on him :)
gah! There's a gold orb in soldiers graveyard at the start of mission 5 (stand on the fountain to see it). Anyone know how to get this?
gah! There's a gold orb in soldiers graveyard at the start of mission 5 (stand on the fountain to see it). Anyone know how to get this?

Not a clue :/

Have any of you chaps got some tips on an easy way to beat the Blitz? I'm on Son of Sparda mode and they seem to take an age to defeat.

Charge shot is your friend, as soon as his electricity shield goes down, devil trigger and use the buster move. With dante, same idea to get the shield down but instead use that move with the glove that makes him do an uber uppercut of doom to take them out. When they go red - hide.

Just beat Credo in Son of Sparda, had to use a few small health stars tho :( (first time i've had to resort to any kind of item during a fight). I really suck at the challenge mode, only managed to get to level 17 :/, think i need to work on using charge shot (only just realized how to charge it above level 1).
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Not a clue :/

Charge shot is your friend, as soon as his electricity shield goes down, devil trigger and use the buster move. With dante, same idea to get the shield down but instead use that move with the glove that makes him do an uber uppercut of doom to take them out. When they go red - hide.

Just beat Credo in Son of Sparda, had to use a few small health stars tho :( (first time i've had to resort to any kind of item during a fight). I really suck at the challenge mode, only managed to get to level 17 :/, think i need to work on using charge shot (only just realized how to charge it above level 1).

Just got that gold orb and went back and replayed that bit on the other difficulties - now have x3 gold orbs for 5 mins of play :) You need get your exceed gauge to level 3 and do the +back then Y move to send yourself into the atmosphere :) At the end of it do a double jump and then use a devil snatch. Make sure your start all this on the elevated ledge on the side of the building.

For the blitz i was using the charge shot with Dante. Then i saw a video of some guy using the royal block. This tunned the blitz and allowed you to use that charged uppercut move.

Credo is the first boss where things start to get slightly harder in SoS - wait till you fight Angus, he's wayyy harder on SoS. What saved me from dying when fighting this guy is that fact that you can get free health orbs from him. When he's throws the spears at you (that would normally buster back at him) simply hit em with your sword. Several green orbs will pop out :)
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What saved me from dying when fighting this guy is that fact that you can get free health orbs from him. When he's throws the spears at you (that would normally buster back at him) simply hit em with your sword. Several green orbs will pop out :)

Bleh, didn't know that, wish i hadn't wasted those health stars now :/. [EDIT] Just realized you meant angus, i used that tactic in Demon hunter - made him insanely easy.

Just got to level 26 in the challenge mission, gets bloody hard, god knows how anyone would be able to get much further. Had to fight 4 of those lizards backed up by a blitz, managed to win that but unfortunately the 5 golden armor dudes finished me off on level 27.

Triple charging neros gun shots is definitely the way to go.
Bleh, didn't know that, wish i hadn't wasted those health stars now :/. [EDIT] Just realized you meant angus, i used that tactic in Demon hunter - made him insanely easy.

Just got to level 26 in the challenge mission, gets bloody hard, god knows how anyone would be able to get much further. Had to fight 4 of those lizards backed up by a blitz, managed to win that but unfortunately the 5 golden armor dudes finished me off on level 27.

Triple charging neros gun shots is definitely the way to go.

From what I read most people get far in the Bloody Palace using super nero/super dante - unlocked via beating DMD, not mean feat at all. Apparently you have unlimited devil trigger. Its only the human DMC4 robots (aka Japanese people) who seem to get far without super nero/dante. It also makes you think how insanely hard the achievement where you beat the bloody palace with S rank is.
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From what I read most people get far in the Bloody Palace using super nero/super dante - unlocked via beating DMD, not mean feat at all. Apparently you have unlimited devil trigger.

Well that makes my effort a waste of half an hour :(

Got around 5k proud souls out of it tho. I love the feature that tells you how people on your friends list are progressing through the game, apparently Inoshishi just got past mission 10
Well that makes my effort a waste of half an hour :(

Got around 5k proud souls out of it tho. I love the feature that tells you how people on your friends list are progressing through the game, apparently Inoshishi just got past mission 10

I always use Mission 19 to get some extra proud souls and just restart if im low on health. There's also mission 9, where if you buster back the projectile from the 3 angels you get 900 proud souls - takes about 30 seconds at most.
Just killed angus, haven't played DMC since the abysmal DMC2 thank god this is a return to form, the game is just so awesome i can't put it down.
Well, have reached mission 19 on SoS mode and its really getting tough now - as i knew it would. Every freaking time i roll the dice and land on a red square the enemy is always a blitz. With Nero they take an age to kill. Looks like i'm going to have to spend a bit of time farming some red orbs to buy some healing items - thank god for mission 3 tbh.

I know its kinda lame, but there's no way on earth im going to do mission 19 without dying.
Well, have reached mission 19 on SoS mode and its really getting tough now - as i knew it would. Every freaking time i roll the dice and land on a red square the enemy is always a blitz. With Nero they take an age to kill. Looks like i'm going to have to spend a bit of time farming some red orbs to buy some healing items - thank god for mission 3 tbh.

I know its kinda lame, but there's no way on earth im going to do mission 19 without dying.

See for me, i would rather take on a blitz with nero, the lvl3 charge shot is just so reliable in taking out their electro shields. I'm stuck on mission 13 in sos difficulty, i just can't get along with dantes play style.
See for me, i would rather take on a blitz with nero, the lvl3 charge shot is just so reliable in taking out their electro shields. I'm stuck on mission 13 in sos difficulty, i just can't get along with dantes play style.

His charged upppercut (called real impact or similar) is amazing for bosses, hes worth sticking with just for that :)
Why oh Why? Have just completed that Heaven or Hell mode in 2 hours. What a total waste of time. Why was this mode even included? :(
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