**DGM 27" LED IPS 2560x1440 ONLY £319.99 Inc. VAT (PRE-ORDER PRICE ONLY)!!**

I got an email from Digimate stating that the arm removal should not compromise the warranty. I think that they have replied responsibly considering what you need to do to remove it.

Gibbo has written...

Were waiting for DGM to put in writing to us, it won't void warranty, shall update on Monday
So the warranty concerns seem to be alleviated. The caveat, in my opinion, is not the warranty implication when removed but the question of damage caused if you try it.

If you remove each of the four screws and then damage the bezel or even the panel then I think you are going to be stuffed for not taking reasonable care in doing so.
If you do this then I would think that it would be no different than those who fit after-market coolers or water blocks etc to their GPU's - some retailers do not mind and others will state that your warranty is invalidated the moment you remove the standard one. But if you damage the GPU or the components in doing so you are stuffed.

I do not think that DGM sold this monitor with any intention of the end user removing the arm because if they did then surely it would have been attached externally or, at the very least, needing to remove a small panel to expose the arm attachment screws.

For those who wish to do that I think that it would be useful if Gibbo could confirm that if you needed to return the monitor for repair then it could be returned with the arm left inside the box and thus not needing to take it apart again just to attach it to a faulty monitor. But if you have already removed it successfully it is not a big job to put it back.

The main thing is that the arm can be removed and both DGM and OC are being helpful enough to confirm that you can do this without it causing a warranty issue.

Just got my DP cable from OC, as the postie has just turned up, with it so I'll try that out now :)
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Well My Display Port cable has now been connected to my Asus 670GTX and I can confirm that with just this one single cable I can enter and see the BIOS.

In fact I have just used it to update my BIOS via the Q-Flash utility.

Also now I can see it stating "Starting Windows...." as it boots.

With an HDMI or DVI it does not work and I no longer seem to need the VGA cable.

Good result there :)
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The problem is that DGM are buying an OEM monitor and branding it themselves, so they aren't really "in charge" of how the stand is mounted to the monitor enclosure. So the compromise they've settled on is to honour warranties for people who want to remove the stand. There isn't really much you could do by just removing the stand anyway that would leave the warranty in tact. Like if you snapped the bezel, they're not going to replace the screen because you damaged it, or if you gouge the panel, they wouldn't replace it for that either. But if you take it apart and remove the stand without causing any damage, there's no realistic reason for them to deny the warranty. It's the same about GPUs and removing the heatsinks. I believe manufacturers only state it voids the warranty to cover themselves from people who remove it and end up crushing the core, or pulling a RAM chip off or something like that. If you do the job properly, there's nothing that would result in the lifespan being reduced by your actions.
Same here, GTX 670 and Display port lets you get in the bios etc, nice one :D

Also heard the inbuilt speakers with the display port cable.
The problem with humans is that age old one of being brainless and calling that, "Full of eet". In days of yore in the name of marketing whereby the fitment of an automatic windows option for a car at the factory is not that much more, in order to jack up their profits, Zer Chosen Vuns played the "Class Act". These Crossover 27" monitor has an articulated stand option named "Pivot" [for example, DGM XYZ Pivot], which cannot cost more than $10 at source and yet these "Sons of Zer Chosen Vuns" decided to enact this time, the Beggars' Act of trying to save the odd penny thereby becoming pound foolish. They truly cannot see The Wood for the Trees because they lacked empathy of the user having gambled their brains with the Vacuous Casino. They just cannot bear to give the buyer a little more value by charging even, say another $15 more thereby making only a mere $5 for their effort of becoming human friendly. And so the story goes as justification, oka Guilt at the behest of [its latent] Anger, rears it ugly head once again. So what's new? Certainly not the complaints. Realise that insurance is merely the justification of a gambler.
The problem with humans is that age old one of being brainless and calling that, "Full of eet". In days of yore in the name of marketing whereby the fitment of an automatic windows option for a car at the factory is not that much more, in order to jack up their profits, Zer Chosen Vuns played the "Class Act". These Crossover 27" monitor has an articulated stand option named "Pivot" [for example, DGM XYZ Pivot], which cannot cost more than $10 at source and yet these "Sons of Zer Chosen Vuns" decided to enact this time, the Beggars' Act of trying to save the odd penny thereby becoming pound foolish. They truly cannot see The Wood for the Trees because they lacked empathy of the user having gambled their brains with the Vacuous Casino. They just cannot bear to give the buyer a little more value by charging even, say another $15 more thereby making only a mere $5 for their effort of becoming human friendly. And so the story goes as justification, oka Guilt at the behest of [its latent] Anger, rears it ugly head once again. So what's new? Certainly not the complaints. Realise that insurance is merely the justification of a gambler.

I think he means they cheaped out on the stand instead of using a better one and charging a little more but for little extra profit.
I would like to know how most of you with this monitor find the black levels?

Can you get the screen black?

Not sure if I have a dud, but this appears to be one of my main drawbacks so far with the monitor.
I would like to know how most of you with this monitor find the black levels?

Can you get the screen black?

Not sure if I have a dud, but this appears to be one of my main drawbacks so far with the monitor.

I have no problem with getting a black screen, always look at it straight ahead. I do have slight light bleed on right corner of screen, but mmmm thats being picky as its really uniform generally.

Iam still so pleased with mine, i must have a peach one!
I would have to say mine is more than a slight bleed, I will try and stand the monitor on a base to raise it up so that my eye level is at the centre of the screen.

When I boot in to the bios and also on windows start up screen I just see a glow on either side of the panel. I will have to see if I can capture it on camera, is there anyway that you can put up a posting of what yours is like on a black screen.
The problem with humans is that age old one of being brainless and calling that, "Full of eet". In days of yore in the name of marketing whereby the fitment of an automatic windows option for a car at the factory is not that much more, in order to jack up their profits, Zer Chosen Vuns played the "Class Act". These Crossover 27" monitor has an articulated stand option named "Pivot" [for example, DGM XYZ Pivot], which cannot cost more than $10 at source and yet these "Sons of Zer Chosen Vuns" decided to enact this time, the Beggars' Act of trying to save the odd penny thereby becoming pound foolish. They truly cannot see The Wood for the Trees because they lacked empathy of the user having gambled their brains with the Vacuous Casino. They just cannot bear to give the buyer a little more value by charging even, say another $15 more thereby making only a mere $5 for their effort of becoming human friendly. And so the story goes as justification, oka Guilt at the behest of [its latent] Anger, rears it ugly head once again. So what's new? Certainly not the complaints. Realise that insurance is merely the justification of a gambler.

<Manuel> qué? </Manuel>

Still not sold on this Monitor going on what's been said. I think I'll have to settle for a better quality 24" and wait for a more solid 27" that doesn't cost an arm or a leg or both.
I would have to say mine is more than a slight bleed, I will try and stand the monitor on a base to raise it up so that my eye level is at the centre of the screen.

When I boot in to the bios and also on windows start up screen I just see a glow on either side of the panel. I will have to see if I can capture it on camera, is there anyway that you can put up a posting of what yours is like on a black screen.

I will see if i can get a picture for you, hard to do will be an iPhone pictures maybe not the best.
Look at what the cat dragged in this morning.....


to this


to this



The middle and left screen are running off an Asus 5450 with DP and DVI, the right screen off a asus 6450 off dvi. Middle and left screens off the 5450 posted correctly with BIOS, right with DVI did not. Think the right screen is different in colour due to running off the 6450 - which looks better IMO

Is that a u2410 in the middle? How do find the black levels and colour accuracy on the dmg compared to the Dell u2410?
@Garmin - apart from what you have noticed with the back light bleed, in certain conditions, how do you feel about the monitor overall...?

Just to let you know - my Dell 24" has backlight bleed as does my Samsung 22". I have used other flat panel screens of varying sizes and I have noticed it in certain situations there too. But when it use I can't say it makes much of a difference, in what I see.
Raising the monitor is a good thing but trying not to focus on it might help also, unless it is a deal breaker for you :)
As I am on my third day now with the monitor and trying to adjust to it, I have just raised it up to eye level which has helped with some of the bleed. My next concern now is how reflective the screen is, I am situated with a window on my left hand side behind me and having to close in the curtain to try and reduce the reflection but I am finding that a distraction.

I have not noticed any issues with colour that bother me at the moment, this is my first LCD/LED type of screen after using a CRT Monitor for so long.
When I posted my first photos of this monitor compared to my Dell 24" you can see with my reflection just how much of an issue that could be. I sit with a very large bay window just to my right and behind.
Even though the Dell has no glass and was a totally matt type screen I still preferred to close the curtains to enhance the screen functionality. This glossy screen of the DGM might have increased that issue slightly BUT, imo, it has also enhanced the colour reproduction and vividness compared to that of the Dell - albeit they were both different screen types. I much prefer the glossy screen of the DGM over that of the Dell.

You are coming from a CRT and I am coming from using many flat panels over the years and for the money this costs (having seen bleed type issues on monitors costing twice this price) I think that it is pretty damn good. Not perfect I know but I would be more bothered by a dead pixel than some edge bleed.
I was a little concerned about using a 16:9 rather than a 16:10 but having used the DGM for a few days now I'm happy.

I have propped a sheep under the bottom of the monitor to stop it drooping forward and next I might raise its height a little.

I would like a monitor arm, but they are too expensive and so I might buy a VESA 100 type wall bracket that I have seen for less than £12. I'm not sure about that as drilling the wall is something that I did not want to do.

For the cost I doubt that anything else comes close to the overall quality and warranty / support but it depends if that is enough or a deal breaker in some way.
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I have a large window to.the side of me and I'm actually finding the glare on glossy screens to be better than matte screens. I used to use Dells that had matte coatings, and direct glare from the window was pretty bad because the matte coating would diffuse the light and make it hard to view the screens properly.
Is that a u2410 in the middle? How do find the black levels and colour accuracy on the dmg compared to the Dell u2410?

No its a a Dell U2711 in the middle.

The DGMs do have more backlight bleed compared to it, but all flat panels suffer with it to a degree. all three monitors seem to have it in right bottom right corner! It doesnt bother me at all if im honest - i will never use a completely black screen for me to notice - i do not notice it watching movies etc.

I have to agree with Vimes - the reflective screen can be annoying, however i feel the image with the DGM is definitely more sharper and much more vivid than the dell - this is due to the anti-glare coating that all dells have. The colours look fantastic. Just putting up pictures from my camera look stunning - no complaints here. This is over displayport and VGA - they both look equally as good.

No doubt the build quality of the dell wins hands down, but for £320 a pop these DGMs are a steal. And for £320 the build quality is more than good enough - remember it has great connectivity too. Yes the stand could be better but in all honesty it does the job required.
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